Sunday, June 05, 2005

A Brief Commentary regarding "Deep Throat"

In my opinion, W. Mark Felt is anything but a hero. He violated his oath when he leaked the information he knew to folks like Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein. In some countries, this would be considered treachery, punished by death. To me, The FBI and CIA had their own agendas of protectionism from the Nixon administration. It also look as if all hell broke loose when J. Edgar Hoover died.

Mr. Felt had the perfect motivation to do this act. He was scorned because he was passed over for FBI director by then-Presiden Nixon. (I believe that L. Patrick Gray got the nomination.) For those who have followed this blog from time to time, Woodward and Bernstein were going to reveal the unsolved mystery upon the death of "Deep Throat". Enter the next act of motivation, maybe desperation, on the part of Mr. Felt and his family- the old American dollar.

I heard what his grandson said about his grandfather should be considered a hero, and receive some accolade of honor for what he did. I am sorry, but I dissent this gravely. Do I condone the acts of the Watergate break-in? No, I do not. History will prove that it has been done in the past, Nixon (and the others involved) just got caught. (History will also tell you that Nixon would have probably have won the election anyway, based on his record.)

I also feel that the face of the American media changed, as a result of this. You can call it a turning point. To me, it seems that everytime they feel that an injustice has been done (especially if it is a Republican in charge), they try to concoct it as the next Watergate scandal. The most recent exemtion of this was when Clinton was in office. Even though he committed perjury, the liberal American media give him a pat on the back, because they were both enamored with him, probably drinking the Clinton Kool-Aid, too.

I am sure that I will offend quite a few, but that is just my take on it.


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