Sunday, October 23, 2005

Tommy Chong & Jon Corzine Beatniks Through and Through

Joyce Comments: The last thing New Jersey needs is some beatnik to run this state further into the ground.

Excerpts from a Jan. 3, 2001, conversation between John Gural, Palmyra's current mayor who was a borough councilman when this tape was recorded; Democratic power broker George E. Norcross III, and Mark Neisser, who was president of JCA, a Moorestown engineering firm that did business for municipalities.

GN: Meanwhile, I predicted to these guys that you have to understand something. I'm not going to tell you this to insult you, but in the end the McGreevey's, the Corzine's, they're all going to be with me. Because not that they like me, but because they have no choice.

JG: They, they know the lay of the land.

GN: Correct and yesterday morning I'm up in Summit, New Jersey in Jon Corzine's home having breakfast and I talk to the guy once a week. Now the reality is he and I joke all the time that had he called me three weeks before, he would have probably saved himself probably $35 million. And every time we eat he thinks it's $35 million breakfast or lunch. He doesn't give a s---, you know.

JG: I'm sure.

GN: He's got more money than God. But he and McGreevey and the rest of them, Ted doesn't mean d--- to McGreevey or anybody.

JG: I don't dispute, I don't doubt it.

GN: He's crazy this guy.

JG: I'm not doubting that he's a lunatic and he's certifiable. I, I don't doubt that.

MN: Yeah, when I met with him for the first time.

GN: Because Lou Gallagher comes to me about Ted and you ought to think about this guy Ted Rosenberg. I keep hearing that this individual is a f------ drunk. I said to Mark I would talk to him the other day. And (i/a) I said Mark what are you a j--- o--, the guy's a f------ idiot. Then your name came up and I said I don't give a f---, he works for you, that's great. Let's pick somebody that can win.

MN: By by that time Lou threw his name in the hat.

GN: Yes and no. That's not really true. See, you got to remember something. People think when you look at something from a distance you're not quite sure what you're looking at. Particular when you're looking at something outside what you understand and what you know. I mean I look at Burlington County I see names I'm not sure that I understand how it works or know how it works. I don't know Lou Gallagher or people said I'm, I'm the (i/a) chairman. That's b-------. John Harrington, when the fight came down, obviously looking out for his interests and trying to buy time. I told him he was making a big mistake. I said John if you're really in contention to be a judge, you oughta keep your f------ head down and stay out of office.

JG: That's what he should of done.

GN: He should of kept his head down.

JG: Hum um.

GN: But the worst candidate to run against Lou if you had run anybody.

MN: Anybody else would have won.

GN: Again (i/a). But the problem is Gallagher is a nice person, he's hard working, he just not (i/a). And I'm not sure if he has the organizational skills that are necessary to really build, you got to be, you got to think something of yourself and you got to be a big brother, uh, a leader to, to do that. I mean I think he's a nice fellow and all that.

MN: We've talked about, I mean. Yeah.

GN: Yeah, he's a good guy but.

MN: Is he big?

GN: No, Gary was a nice guy.

MN: He doesn't.

GN: They don't have the skill.

MN: He doesn't gain the respect of people.

GN: No.

JG: No.

GN: I would believe that.

MN: I don't either.

GN: But we're, but this is where you are today, um.

MN: You're looking (i/a) at Bordentown Township you just lost the election there.

GN: Well.

MN: You have people, you have two local f------ guys fighting.

GN: Right.

MN: Hand and knee.

GN: Yeah, but what did the township want? I mean the Democrats had been eroding the Republican base throughout the country over the past six to eight years.

MN: It is so winnable.

After discussing other figures, the conversation returns to Rosenberg.

GN: What uh, I read in the paper um, if I read it correctly, did it say that Palmyra did not appoint Gallagher or.

JG: That is correct.

GN: Whatever his name is.

JG: Rosenberg.

GN: I could not tell whether it was that story or not.

JG: Yeah, it's a little bit complicated.

GN: One got one job, one has another job.

JG: Gallagher's prosecutor, Rosenberg's solicitor. Now back up a little bit.

When I asked Rosenberg to run for chairman, I also asked him at that time to be our solicitor.

GN: Right.

JG: It was just not going to be John Harrington and . . .

GN: And who had it.

JG: No, he didn't have it. But I guess that's who everybody expected was going to get the job and you know to be honest again I'm not a, I'm not a John fan. I know I've just been exposed to him a lot and uh, so I asked Rosenberg if he wanted to get more involved

MN: (i/a).

JG: I understand, I understand.

MN: I think people have a different opinion.

JG: I'm just being honest, um.

GN: The little f--- will sell out anybody. I know that.

JG: But, so yes. To answer your question, Rosenberg the solicitor, Gallagher, prosecutor, um, Mark and I had some serious conversation over the last couple weeks, you know. I'm just going to be blunt regarding Rosenberg's appointment and, and you know I had. I would not had replaced him um, I do consider him we're not close friends or anything like that, but to me the guy has been, he's been fair, he's been honest to the best of my knowledge and um, he's done a pretty good job. Um, so I would not have replaced him. Like I said, we had some serious conversation about it so un, the best I could hope for my form of government and I did some research last year when we took control. Um, Bob Leather actually did me a favor, he did not appoint Ted Rosenberg, but he also did not name anybody else.

GN: Right.

JG: He knew that it was politically motivated and you know and I'm asking him not to do this. Um, just to make my job easier and he says he doesn't want to get involved in my p------ match. Um, he's not naming Gallagher either um, if I wanted to I could Lou's not real well, I'll use the word respected him, for some of the reasons you just said. People think he's naive and they don't think that he has what it takes to, to be a leader, so why are we perpetuating this type of situation.

GN: But people just don't dislike Lou. They just don't (i/a).

JG: Some people do dislike him.

GN: Really, he always having a good personal (i/a).

JG: Some people in Palmyra do dislike him, I know my municipal chair . . .

GN: Oh (i/a).

JG: . . . really, really dislikes him. One of the women on council dislikes him.

Um, you things, things of that sort. Bob Leather dislikes him um, but at any rate Bob did not appoint either one of them. But also did not appoint anybody to those positions. They're holdovers at this point. He said um, you know he made the statement our reorg on Monday night that un, he's not appointing anybody, they're holdovers and that in thirty days Borough Council can do what they want and he gave me, you know it's, it's you know, it's up to me now to do whatever it is, what we're going to do.

GN: Ted Rosenberg has no future anywhere. No Corzine, no McGreevey, No nothing, zip o. He has no chance of anything and anybody who he's associated with is going to be tainted by him because what he has done.

And he crossed the line and went way over the line and presumably this Apsalon idiot would just disappear. I guess what I'm more interested in is how can, how can the party be reasonably, be brought together. I mean Foy's, I think are reasonable before I know Tommy is.

JG: I like Tom a lot.

GN: I think Joe is.

JG: I think Joe is too.

GN: Joe's just stoned by uh, you know. See I don't understand how Joe after he got tarred and feathered in the paper how he, I don't understand how he even exists. If that happened in Camden County that person would like never even be around anymore. But I guess in Burlington County you know you survive.

JG: He's got that town locked up.

GN: I'm not talking about that town, I'm talking about the party.

JG: Oh, you know.

GN: ff1, if we found out that our county chairman was on the tip for the other.

I mean it would be unbelievable.

MN: But he's not really involved with the party is he.

JG: Ah when he can.

GN: He's aforce.

JG: He's a force because he has one of the strongest organizations, local organizations in the county, so he's a player. He's got twenty some or thirty some county committee people.

GN: Yeah.

JG: And they all came out for Rosenberg.

GN: Yeah, I don't understand how he the (i/a) I don't care. Doesn't make a difference to me.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry Joyce, New Jerseyans aren't gullible enough to fall for the lies curious George feeds us. Corzine had the foresight to vote against giving Bush authority to go to war, based on a LIE. He's much smarter than you could ever hope to be.