Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Rally Around President George W. Bush NOT The Terrorists

Kohlmayer: Why liberals are wrong about Bush

Source: http://www.statesman.com/opinion/content/editorial/stories/10/29/kohlmayer_edit.html

Vasko Kohlmayer, Local Contributor
Monday, October 30, 2006

Do you still remember the old liberal claim that Bush invaded Iraq for oil? For some reason they don't make it anymore. May we ask why?

Can it be, because no oil has been stolen? As everyone had the chance to see, America made no attempt to tap into Iraq's oil after toppling Saddam, not even to defray the costs of liberation.

This presented liberals with a conundrum. Wanting to believe only the worst about the president, they had to invent another dark reason for the invasion. So they made him into a Hitlerite who revels in conquest and destruction.

That anyone could think this of a dully elected president of the United States is startling. That anyone could think this of George W. Bush is astonishing. Unfailingly gracious and affable, there is nothing in his bearing or actions – past or present – that would warrant such a conclusion.

Only the blind could not see that whatever other faults George Bush may posses, blood-lust is not among them. In fact, so placid is he that many on his side have despaired over his unwillingness to even mildly admonish those who so unfairly attack him.

Is this how Hitler behaved? What in Bush's demeanor bears any resemblance to the murderous despot he is so often compared with?

So blinded are liberals by their anger that they overlook the most obvious possibility: George Bush went into Iraq, because he viewed the regime of a sworn America-hater a threat to our security.

Rather than accepting the most plausible explanation, they assign the most outlandish motives to the president's actions. Notwithstanding the fact that their 'blood for oil' charge has turned out groundless, they persist in their gratuitous attacks with renewed vigor. Instead of offering an apology – which would be the decent and appropriate gesture under the circumstances – they concoct new allegations which are even more far-fetched.

Disgraceful as this may be, this kind of mendacity is nothing new to those on the left. Some two decades ago, they sought to demonize another upright man. Casting Ronald Reagan as a war monger and religious fanatic, they implied he could not wait to unleash a nuclear Armageddon. Such was their impudence that they even confronted him on this in a nationally televised presidential debate.

In the end all their efforts came to nothing, because the American people quickly recognized that Ronald Reagan was one of the nicest men to ever hold the presidency. And he was also one of the most clear-sighted.

Like George Bush, Ronald Reagan was keenly aware of evil's insidiousness. Knowing that communism had murdered nearly 100 million people, he resolved to destroy it before it could wreak even more havoc and pain.

Reagan would not pander to the most inhuman regime in history like Jimmy Carter had done before him. Above all, he would not follow his predecessor's example of unilateral concessions to show 'good will' to those who only took such gestures as evidence of weakness. Like George Bush, Ronald Reagan called evil for what it was and set out to rid the world of it.

But liberals saw matters differently. Like with today's jihadists, they thought of the Soviet communists as idealists with legitimate grievances against the United States. While urging restraint and understanding, they somehow managed to overlook the stack of corpses and injustice on which they had built their power. Like Bush now, it was Reagan then whom they saw as the real threat and danger.

This startling inability to distinguish between good and evil is the price adherents of liberalism pay for stubbornly clinging to their misguided ideology. Sad as it is they have only themselves to blame, for a willful devotion to a lie-ridden worldview cannot but maim man's moral sensibility.

It is because of this that in their eyes a decent man like George Bush looms Hitler-like while the murderous fanatics from whom he tries to protect us they see as freedom fighters.

History has shown just how wrong liberals were about Ronald Reagan. It will also show how wrong they are about George W. Bush.

Fear the Terrorists, Not President Bush

Source: http://americanthinker.com/articles.php?article_id=5993

October 31st, 2006

Next Tuesday is midterm election day. When you cast your vote – if you choose to partake in this most honorable American tradition – please remember what is at stake.

On the left, my former party of choice, feels that the biggest issues confronting America are corporate greed, "the culture of corruption" (as if this does not occur on both sides), Wal-Mart, "big business," churchgoing Christians, global warming and an assault on the civil liberties of us and terrorists. To deny this would be scandalously untrue.

On the right, my current "fearmongering" party of choice feels the biggest issue (singular) is to eliminating and freeing the world of Islamo-fascist Nazis. There is no denying this, and the sooner we, as in all other world wars, are free to do this, the better. My party wants to save the non-Muslim world, America, Israel and especially "liberal values" like sexual and gender freedoms (not just libertinism, but the freedom of women) freedom of religion, speech and of the press.

Unfortunately, aside from Radical Muslims, we have many domestic factors working against us:

The "Drive-by" big city media feels the need to rant about how we "torture" terrorists, keep "secret prisons," check phone records of suspected terrorists, regress back to Katrina whining, yada, yada and yada. The ACLU, "peace organizations," the legal world, academia and Hollywood, not surprisingly, fall for this flawed, inane logic too. History has always proved these acrimonious fools wrong, and will again this time… if we’re not killed first by our enemies because of their devious behaviors.

President Bush, sadly as of late, has fallen prey to dangerous political correctness and multi-cultural balderdash as he tries to unite this country. He has attempted to make good on his promise to be the great uniter, and the man has undeniably been more liberal than conservative the past year.

There is no need to do this, Mr. President.

This country was divided long before President Bush took office, and he has done his best to unite it. But many who hypocritically seek "redistribution of wealth" spend their weekends picking up wheatgrass at Whole Foods on their way to Nantucket, and do not want to be united with Americans who attend church on Sunday, wave the flag, and enjoy Nascar, Applebee’s and saving money at Wal-Mart. Too bad for them. These arrogant, misguided folks have chosen to regressively look back, to sacrifice their platform to go after Mr. Bush (who is not up for re-election, by the way).

Fatuous liberals like Paul Krugman — who saw nothing wrong with comparing the backlash against the Dixie Chicks to the rise of Nazism — or the countless jabberers who have over the years denounced William F. Buckley Jr., Barry Goldwater, Sean Hannity et al. as fascists are difficult to respect, much less take seriously. As Jonah Goldberg wrote in September,

"One gets the sense that today’s liberals — beyond their phobia of offending the coalition of the oppressed (in this case, the Muslims of CAIR) — are reluctant to let Bush use "Islamic fascism" because they don’t want to give up their monopoly on the F-word."

George Bush needs to stop trying so hard to make "peace" with those who despise us within our nation and are more concerned with meaningless impeachment than saving our world. His efforts have never been appreciated, but someday, like Reagan and those before him, perhaps they will.

Thankfully, by the grace of G-d, the patriotic men and women of the military will save this nation as they always have. They will not get thanks from the coastal elites, but this is expected.

It's not just that the wrong party could take power, but this party’s leaders, some of those who would be in charge of essential committees like Ways and Means, the Judiciary, Commerce, etc, are variously on record as not supporting Israel (and being proud of it!), raising taxes, ending free trade, drilling in ANWR (animals are more important than people, usually) and naturally, impeaching Bush. That will surely take our attention away from the Islamic Nazis, North Koreans and by October of next year, as opposed to fraudulent filmmakers who dream of Bush being dead, we all could be in severe peril. I’d personally put it at 50/50.

I hope that most Americans will take a deep breath, realize Bush had noble, correct intentions for freeing tens of millions from a madman and then remember that unemployment is the lowest in five years; the Dow is over 12,000 points. Inflation is 2.1 percent, the deficit is being dramatically reduced, and gas prices are falling. Let’s just hope that if the GOP maintains control, we don’t waste time, effort and money on Democrat protests and recounts. Which state this time? Indiana? Missouri? Do I hear Maryland?

Vote accordingly, and consider whether you want to tell your grandchildren you defeated carbon dioxide emissions or Islamo Nazi Fascists who threatened the free world.

Ari Kaufman is the proprietor of The Conservative Crusader.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you see Bill O'Reilly's recent appearance on David Letterman? He said that the war is about oil.