Monday, October 13, 2008

McCain Victory Easily within Grasp By Dr Chaz

Oct 13, 2008

I’m an organizational psychologist and pollster. Notwithstanding what the MSM reports to demoralize and deactivate Republicans, I assure you that this is a VERY CLOSE race; it’s two points in either direction after adjusting for (1) the Bradley Effect and (2) and what is likely is exceptionally high McCain-Palin turnout based on fear and loathing of Obama’s radical socialist ideology, Chicago machine origins, terrorist connections and black separatist church roots. This second factor CANNOT be captured in the current sampling frames. Bottom line, if the McCain-Palin registered voters participate at a 75% level, the election is ours.

Stir the turnout motivation by speaking directly to everyone about how an Obama presidency would be a disaster for America through legislation, executive orders and judicial appointments:

X A massive tax increase on small business owners sucking the life out of an already weakened economy and sending us to the brink of a depression
X Increases in capital gains rates—another economy-killing measure
X An end to any reasonable prospects for offshore drilling for oil and gas to create energy independence
X Open borders, subsidized college tuition, social security and drivers’ licenses for illegal aliens
X Unfettered far left policy making power in the troika of Obama, Pelosi and Reid
X Reinstitution of affirmative action and racial quotas
X Increased federal funding for abortions
X Restriction of the Bill of Rights with union thug card-signing intimidation and imposition of the inappropriately labeled Fairness Doctrine
X A weakened defense and foreign policy, including derailing the Reagan Strategic Defense Initiative
X Appointments to the Supreme Court, Courts of Appeal and District Courts that distort the Constitution.

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