Saturday, November 12, 2005

United States Border Fence Needed

Joyce Comments: This picture says it all. Ever since the 1846-1848 U.S. War with Mexico for "Manifest Destiny", our country has been used as a doormat to Mexicans and others who take advantage of our countries good will. We need to stop them from doing that for the sake of our sovereignty and national security and a fence is a very good start to that. Other discouraging things or loopholes that lure illegal aliens here are "free" (that is we the U.S. taxpayer through our federal, state and local taxes) pay for their health, education, welfare--ironically this is the name of a former executive branch department before Carter disbanded it for seperate ones on Health and Human Services and another for Education--and anchor babies that is babies born in this country to illegal alien parents that are granted immediate full U.S. citizenship upon their birth being on U.S. soil because of the 14th Amendment to the Consitution.

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