Wednesday, November 03, 2021

From the 2021 Desk of President Donald J. Trump...

President Donald J. Trump Statement on Kabul, Afghanistan - August 26, 2021

Surrenderer-In-Chief: Joe Biden lied to America and to the World when he told us “America was back.” Instead, he surrendered to the Taliban, and left Americans behind to die in Afghanistan. It's time to KNOW the TRUTH!


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15 seconds

Address on the 20th Anniversary of September 11th

President Trump Responds on Pennsylvania’s 2020 Election

Donald Trump writes a letter to the editor.

Source: and

Posted: Oct. 27, 2021

Observers watch a poll worker tabulate ballots at the Allegheny County Election Warehouse in Pittsburgh, Nov. 6.

In your editorial “The Election for Pennsylvania’s High Court” (Oct. 25), you state the fact that a court wrongly said mail-in ballots could be counted after Election Day. “This didn’t matter,” you add, “because Mr. Biden won the state by 80,555, but the country is lucky the election wasn’t closer. If the election had hung on a few thousand Pennsylvanians, the next President might have been picked by the U.S. Supreme Court.”

Well actually, the election was rigged, which you, unfortunately, still haven’t figured out. Here are just a few examples of how determinative the voter fraud in Pennsylvania was:

• 71,893 mail-in ballots were returned after Nov. 3, 2020, at 8 p.m., according to Audit the Vote PA. None of these should have been counted according to the U.S. Constitution and the state Legislature, which didn’t approve this change.

• 10,515 mail-in votes from people who do not exist on the Pennsylvania voter rolls at all.

• 120,000 excess voters are not yet accounted for by the Pennsylvania Department of State—far more votes than voters!

• From 2016 to 2020, during my term as president, Republicans out-registered Democrats 21 to 1. This translated to a 659,145-vote lead at 12:38 a.m. on election night, with “Trump” up a full 15 points.

• Hundreds of thousands of votes were unlawfully counted in secret, in defiance of a court order, while Republican poll watchers were thrown out of buildings where voting took place.

• 39,771 people who registered to vote after the Oct. 19, 2020, deadline, still voted in the 2020 election—simply not allowed.

Highly respected Audit the Vote PA found numerous data integrity problems the Pennsylvania Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors (SURE) system, including:

• 305,874 voters were removed from the rolls after the election on Nov. 3rd.

• 51,792 voters with inactive voter registrations at the end of October 2020 nevertheless voted.

• 57,000 duplicate registrations.

• 55,823 voters who were backfilled into the SURE system.

• 58,261 first-time voters 70 years and older.

• 39,911 people who were added to voter rolls while under 17 years of age.

• 17,000 mail-in ballots sent to addresses outside of Pennsylvania.

• Another analysis of Montgomery County, Pa., found 98% of the eligible voting population in the county was already registered to vote—not possible.

• A canvass of Montgomery County has identified 78,000 phantom voters, with roughly 30% of respondents unaware that there are people registered and voting from their address.

• One nursing home in Lancaster County had 690 registrations and an extremely high turnout rate of 85% in 2020, while nursing homes were closed due to Covid. One of these residents said she had not voted in the past 3 years, but had a mail-in ballot cast in her name.

• 25,000 ballots were requested from nursing homes at the exact same time.

• Numerous reports and sworn affidavits attested to poll watcher intimidation and harassment, many by brute force.

• Attorney General Bill Barr ordered U.S. Attorney Bill McSwain to stand down and not investigate election irregularities.

• Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook poured over $17 million to interfere in the Pennsylvania election, including $5.5 million on “ballot processing equipment” in Philadelphia and $552,000 for drop boxes where the voting pattern was not possible.

And so much more! This is why Democrats and the Fake News Media do not want a full forensic audit in Pennsylvania. In reality, 80,555 ballots are nothing when there is this much corruption or voter irregularities.

Donald J. Trump

Palm Beach, Fla