Tuesday, June 14, 2022

2000 Mules By Dinesh D'Souza

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D’Souza’s ‘2000 Mules’ Sends ‘Fact-Checkers’ In Panic Mode By Chanel Rion

Source: https://www.oann.com/dsouzas-2000-mules-sends-fact-checkers-in-panic-mode/

May 10, 2022

True the Vote and Dinesh D’Souza corroborate allegations of voter fraud with concrete data in their film “2000 Mules.” One America’s Chief White House Correspondent Chanel Rion has more from Washington.

‘2000 Mules’ Offers Bold Claims About The 2020 Election By Daniel Baldwin

Source: https://www.oann.com/2000-mules-offers-bold-claims-about-the-2020-election/

May 10, 2022

The new film “2000 Mules”, directed by conservative commentator Dinesh D’Souza, offers a closer examination of the 2020 Election. Buoyed by True the Vote’s research, D’Souza posits that 2000 mules, people who collect and return mail-in ballots, were paid to stuff dropboxes across five primary swing states.

True the Vote, a nonprofit organization based in Texas, offers up evidence based on combining $2 million worth of anonymized cell phone geolocation data with four million minutes of government surveillance video obtained via a public records request. The group drew a virtual boundary around dropboxes and nongovernment organizations in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Georgia. Doing so helped True the Vote identify unique cell phones that repeatedly visited dropbox locations and NGOs ahead of the 2020 Election.

True the Vote founder Catherine Englebrecht and election intelligence investigator Gregg Phillips walk D’Souza through their findings during the film. If a cellphone “pinged” near a dropbox more than 10 times and an NGO more than five times from Oct. 1 to Election Day, True the Vote classified the cellphone owner as a mule.

Based on this classification, the group asserted 380,000 fraudulent votes were cast in the 2020 Election. True the Vote’s data claims illegal ballot trafficking materially swung Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania all for President Joe Biden. Without these votes, True the Vote claims former President Donald Trump would have claimed 279 electoral votes.

However, fact checkers have pointed out that the film only offers evidence of payment from one unidentified whistleblower in Arizona. Critics say “2000 Mules” lacks any substantial evidence for illegal payments occurring in the other four states. Additionally, Politifact argues geospatial data from cell phones does not offer the precision necessary to confirm that a person submitted a ballot to a dropbox. The fact-checking website asserts this data only shows that a person came within a short distance of the dropbox. The Department of Homeland Security has called the 2020 Election “the most secure in American history.”

Fox News Is Headed For Disaster: Dinesh D'Souza just exposed the treachery of the corporate media "conservatives" By Emerald Robinson

Source: https://emeralddb3.substack.com/p/fox-news-is-headed-for-disaster?s=r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

May 10, 2022

Fox News has been on a collision course with its own audience since the stolen 2020 election — and you can almost feel the impact coming. The network has made so many dumb bets lately that it’s like watching a busload of trailer park residents get offloaded to play the nickel slots in Reno. All you can do is shake your head as you think: I know they’re all going bankrupt, and they’re already bankrupt. It’s been perfectly obvious for years now that Rupert Murdoch and his feckless sons turned against President Trump and actually helped Joe Biden — which is not just unforgivable. It’s unsustainable.

Why? Because it requires the silence of other prominent conservatives, and the short term memories of GOP voters, to allow Fox News to continue pretending that it’s a conservative news network. Guess what: GOP voters have not forgotten about Fox News calling Arizona early — and prominent conservatives are no longer interested in ignoring Fox’s treachery.

Case in point: Dinesh D’Souza dropped several bombshells on Twitter recently that illustrate that Fox News has nowhere left to hide.

This sort of thing would be unthinkable just a few years ago. D’Souza’s tweet virtually guarantees that he will never appear on any Fox News program again. He will be black-listed — a common practice at Fox (just ask Rudy Giuliani and Marjorie Taylor Greene and Peter Navarro). Dinesh knew all of this and did it anyway — and that should tell you something. (He even tagged a Fox producer on Tucker’s team to name and shame him.) Fox has lost its monopoly power on the Right, and it’s no longer immune from criticism by the conservative community.

That hasn’t stopped Fox News from trying to cut D’Souza out of his own documentary in order to present the work as its own. Just watch this explosive video.

Fox News might as well be Helen Keller right now: it can’t see or hear anything about the stolen election. So it cannot allow Dinesh D’Souza’s new documentary “2000 Mules” to be mentioned on their shows because Fox News told its audience for the last 18 months that election fraud was a myth pushed by conspiracy theorists.

You do remember that, don’t you?

The real reason that “2000 Mules” is being ignored by the conservative corporate media and the liberal corporate media is because it’s true. The stolen 2020 election was the largest political interference operation ever conducted in America. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s charity spent more than $400 million to create a private election system in swing states — and he was hardly alone. It took massive coordination from both political parties and the corporate media and federal law enforcement and left-wing NGO’s to thwart the will of the American people in 2020.

The problem for both political parties and the corporate media and federal law enforcement and left-wing NGO’s is that they pulled it off but they got caught doing it. The fraud was much too pervasive and public to be kept secret. That’s why “2000 Mules” is creating such an awkward moment at Fox News. Our corrupt institutions have no idea what to do next. They can't admit to the fraud — but they also can't dismiss the evidence. (They tried for the last 18 months and it didn’t work.) They have to pretend now that nothing is happening and they have to keep pretending until 2024.

It’s one thing for the FBI to gaslight the American people. (That’s their specialty.) It’s a whole different matter for Fox News to spit in the face of its own audience for the next three years and call it rain. Fox executives are not going to allow Trump’s rallies to be aired on their channel; they’re not going to apologize for pushing Biden’s vaccine mandates; and they’re not going to allow election fraud to be discussed.

Add it all together: it’s a losing hand.

Fox News can bully GOP politicians and conservative influencers into silence because it threaten to blacklist them — but social media now makes that sort of “top down” control irrelevant. It’s easy to shut down Lou Dobbs — he’s under contract. How do you shut down Catturd? Or Rising Serpent? There’s too many people to bully now.

And the truth can break out from anywhere — even from the comments section of a tweet from an anonymous account.

Fox News doesn’t want to cover election fraud because the GOP establishment doesn’t want to find election fraud when it involves cheating to defeat Donald Trump. Fox News is the voice of the GOP establishment. (That’s why Rupert Murdoch has secret meetings with Bill Barr rather than Trump at his home during the Trump Administration.) Fox News is the voice of Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham and Mike Pence and Bill Barr and a bunch of other unpopular politicians who want rid of President Trump permanently.

In other words, Fox News is the voice of the uniparty regime in Washington.

That regime doesn’t have any GOP voters left. Look at McConnell’s poll numbers. Look at Pence’s poll numbers. Trump just endorsed a bunch of primary candidates and they just swept through the GOP establishment’s picks like Hunter Biden at a strip club. The GOP establishment has the voting machines, but it doesn’t have any voters.

Fox News is not on the side of the GOP voters — but they do rely on them. So they’re caught, and everybody knows it. That’s why Fox wants to strong-arm conservative influencers like D’Souza into letting it appropriate his content on voter fraud — they need to pretend to care for the sake of the audience. Just watch D’Souza’s podcast video again, and listen to what he tells you: Fox News knows that they “can crucify him” and so he has to “stay on the reservation” or he will be banned. Tucker’s executive producer (D’Souza claims) responded to D’Souza’s declining their strong-arm “offer” by telling D’Souza that “he was finished” and that Fox would “teach him a lesson.”

That’s a threat that had teeth before 2020. Now it just sounds like hollow threats from gutless people. The world has changed. The people who are going to get taught a lesson in the next few years are at Fox News.

Politickle By F.R. Duplantier

Source: https://politickles.com/blog/your-weekly-politickle-2000-mules/

May 16, 2022

2000 MULES
They were paid to deliver the votes,
So to change the results of the totes,
Stuffing box after box
Over multiple blocks,
Thus creating the Joe Biden bloats.

The election was just as we thought, it
Was tainted by mountains of fraud, it
Was stolen from Trump
On behalf of a chump,
And that’s just a single state’s audit.

When we went to the auditorium
To demand an audit from all of them,
Public servants said no
’Cause they knew it would show
There should be a total recall of them.

If the number of voters is x
And the number who do vote half x,
I’m afraid I can’t see
How it ever could be
That the total votes cast is 2x.

(to the tune of “Copacabana)

The vote was stolen
It wasn’t chosen
With ballots gathered from the air
And addresses from nowhere

They were McCain-ites
And dirty low-lifes
And while they tried to distort
Even still they came up short

They cleared the crowded floor
And they worked behind closed doors
They were dumb and they had no other
Chance to add some votes

Maricopa, Arizona
A virus that’s worse than Corona
Corruption and treason
Were always in season
Maricopa, they broke the law.

“We’ve got lots of explaining to do,
As the scandal’s far worse than we knew.
This was no accident,
This stage-managed event:
What we have on our hands is a coup!”

It was late, Donald Trump way ahead,
So I called it a night, went to bed;
While I slept, an odd “glitch”
And improbable switch
Made Joe Biden the winner instead!

“I admit I’m a little distraught
That your friends and mine finally got caught,”
I said in palaver
With a fellow cadaver,
“But we voted more times than I thought.”

What polls tell us is probably wrong,
As we’ll find out before very long:
They can’t measure the grace
That’s inspiring this race
And making the patriots strong.

As a voter, I used to rejoice
At the franchise that gave me a voice,
But the system’s now fixed
And my own vote is nixed
By a fraudulent balloter’s choice.

“An illegal, a felon, a tot,
A nonresident, even a bot:
They should all get to vote
And be part of the tote,
Whether living or human or not.”

“Immigration concerns are what spur us,
Opposition will never deter us,
And the line of the souls
Heading out to the polls
Stretches all the way down to Honduras.”

When a voter votes multiple times
And is “punished” for multiple crimes
With a sentence commuted,
Are not others recruited
Likewise to vote multiple times?

Though his body will surely decay,
A dead Democrat’s ballot may stay:
He moves in with the moles,
But remains on the rolls
And continues to vote anyway.

“We’ll be summoned from slumberous state
To endorse the biennial slate;
Then it’s back to the grave,
Where we’ll try to behave
‘Til another electoral date!”

The polls open and who comes in?
Mary Poppins and Mickey Finn,
Then Betty Boop
And Alley Oop,
Sherlock Holmes and Gunga Din!

To ensure that the balloting may
Proceed in an orderly way:
On Tuesday, please note,
All Republicans vote –
And all Democrats on the next day.

“Our Party is poised to prevail
With this new registration by mail:
All corpses and cats
Are staunch Democrats,
So our candidates simply can’t fail!”

If free markets are something you dread,
Our Constitution is over your head,
And American history
To you is a mystery,
On election day, please, stay in bed!