Wednesday, November 18, 2020

UPDATE: Debby Madiraca - MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper

Debby Madiraca: Every Day Is a Gift



I was 34 years old and seven-and-a-half months pregnant when I felt a lump in my breast. It was the week before my baby shower. At first I thought, “My body is changing so much because of my pregnancy, it’s probably nothing,” but I figured I would just mention it to my doctor at my next prenatal appointment. She thought it was most likely a cyst, but ordered an ultrasound just to be sure. I knew when the technologist called the doctor into the room during the ultrasound that something was wrong.

The doctor wouldn’t give me any information — she just told me to call my obstetrician. I called my doctor on the way home from the ultrasound and she told me to come into her office immediately. I remember asking her on the phone if it was bad, and she said, “It isn’t good.”

Amazing Team

By the time my husband and I arrived at the office, my doctor had scheduled me for appointments with my amazing team at MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper — Dr. Kristin Brill a breast surgeon; Dr. Generosa Grana, a medical oncologist who specializes in breast cancer; and Dr. Elyce Cardonick, an ob/gyn who specializes in caring for women diagnosed with cancer during pregnancy. Everything was happening so fast.

Dr. Brill called me at home the next night and told me that she scheduled me for a biopsy the next day with Dr. Lydia Liao, Director of Women’s Imaging at Cooper Breast Imaging Centers. The biopsy was done on a Friday and I received the results the following Monday. After Dr. Brill confirmed that it was cancer, she left the room and Helen Nichter, her nurse practitioner, came in and shared with me that she too was a breast cancer survivor. That moment was a game changer for me. Seeing somebody standing before me who had fought the same fight and was now alive and well gave me hope immediately that I would be OK. Helen and I have since become very close friends — survivor sisters forever.

Early Delivery

I met with Dr. Grana to discuss my course of treatment. I then met with Dr. Cardonick. She works with the cancer team, helping decide what treatment options are the best and safest for both the mother and baby. I was lucky — I was far enough along in my pregnancy for my daughter Amelia to be delivered safely, so I could get started on chemotherapy right away. I delivered Amelia without any problems, but she needed to spend time in the NICU because she was premature. I remember leaving the hospital without my baby, knowing I had cancer and not knowing what the future held for me or my family.

A few days after Amelia was born, I had a PET-CT scan so the doctors could get a better idea of what was going on. I received a call from Dr. Grana with the results while I was in the NICU visiting Amelia. I could tell from her voice that it wasn’t good news. I remember her saying, “I’m concerned. The PET-CT shows some abnormalities.” My parents and I immediately went to her office where she explained that the cancer had spread to my liver.

I never researched anything online about my diagnosis. Instead, I searched for stories of hope and inspiration… and I found them. Other women shared their stories of survival with advanced cancer and they kept me going. That is what helped me go into fight mode.

I didn’t cry much — only once or twice. I didn’t have time to feel sorry for myself. My family, my faith and my resolve to be there to raise Amelia kept me strong. I knew I was in good hands with my team of MD Anderson Cooper and I just had to keep moving forward so I could be around to raise Amelia. That was the question I asked everyone I met in the cancer program, over and over again: “Am I going to be able to raise my daughter?”

It was my only hope, my only concern. Amelia was happy and healthy. But I never imagined that I would spend my maternity leave going to chemo treatments in between caring for my newborn.

Advanced Treatments

There was some good news. Even though the cancer had spread to my liver, special genetic testing showed that my cancer was HER2-positive. This information was important to my treatment. Today, researchers better understand what fuels HER2-positive breast cancer and targeted therapies have been developed that interfere with its growth, making it a very treatable disease.

I started chemotherapy two weeks after Amelia was born. My initial round of treatment lasted for six months. My dad came to every chemo appointment (and still does), while my mom spent the day with Amelia. He'd get me a bagel and coffee at the café in the cancer center after I settled in at the chemo unit. I’d bring my laptop and he would bring his iPad. He would keep me company during the four-plus hours of chemo. We got to know the amazing nurses in the chemo unit and made friends with some of the patients, too. I lost my hair a few weeks into treatment and hated my wigs and scarves, but it grew back — and now it’s curly, like my daughter’s

I had a team of people both at home and at MD Anderson Cooper to help me. In addition to my doctors and Helen, my nurse navigator Angela Frantz, RN, put me in touch with the support services I needed and answered all of my questions

There was an overwhelming amount of information to take in and decisions to be made, but I had the resources I needed to make the decisions that were right for me.

After my initial round of chemo I had a lumpectomy to remove tissue where the tumor was in my breast. And soon after the surgery I received great news from Dr. Brill — the pathology was clear — there were no signs of cancer. I was finally cancer-free. We decided go ahead with radiation treatment to the tumor site to reduce my risk of the cancer recurring. Dr. Sucha Asbell, a radiation oncologist, and her team were all amazing and supportive. I remember Dr. Asbell telling me, “You’re a soldier, Madiraca.” Those words always stayed with me.

My journey did not end with radiation. I still get infusions of Herceptin and Perjeta every three weeks to keep the cancer from coming back and will have to do that for the rest of my life. I bring my laptop to the infusion unit and work while my dad sits next to me and reads the paper. My mom joins us for every other treatment. After my treatment I head to the office to finish my work day

I have come a long way since I found that lump. In a weird way, cancer is actually the best thing that ever happened to me. It taught me that every single day — good or bad — is truly a gift. It also introduced me to some of the most amazing people I have ever met. They are the real-life superheroes who work at MD Anderson Cooper, and they are saving lives just like mine every day.

Atlas Personal Training LLC


My client Debby Madiraca has been with me from the start of Atlas Personal Training and even before that! She works incredibly hard in and out of the workouts. Balancing her nutrition, family time as well as time for herself. I am so incredibly proud of her.

In July of 2013 Debby was diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer. She did not let this stop her. Through proper treatments, radiation and an everyday fight, she made it a mission to better herself. She recently just celebrated her 5 YEAR ANNIVERSARY of remission and I couldn't be happier for her! Congratulations!!

When we first started working together, she was 158 lbs and always found it difficult to lose weight but to also KEEP it off. Proudly now she has reached a goal of 143 lbs, 15 lbs down and staying off! Her next goal is to get under 140 lbs which she can do in no time!

The biggest keys for her are her consistency to working out, the variety of her workouts and most importantly, her nutrition! She started Weight Watchers a few months ago and it has helped her tremendously. It is so easy for her in day-to-day life. No meetings, she has the app on phone and it keeps herself honest!

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

ADVICE TO STATES: Permanently Decommission/Disable Dominion Voting System/Weighted "Counting" Machines Connected Online In Your States

Lt. Gov Dan Patrick Explains Why Texas Refused To Use Dominion’s “Junk” Voting Systems: “If Dominion were designing software for an airplane, I would not advise you to get on it” [VIDEO] By Patty McMurray


Nov 13, 2020

Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick has offered up to a $1 million reward for anyone that presents evidence that presents evidence that leads to the arrest and conviction of people or a person committing voter fraud in his state.

Patrick appeared on Sean Hannity’s show where he explained why the state of Texas on three separate occasions rejected Dominion Voting Systems. He explained to Hannity how every one of six experts in electronic data, communications systems, and election law warned, “Do not buy this system,” adding, “They found out that they were fragile—they were error-prone—they did not meet our standards—they changed ballots—people could vote and their vote wouldn’t be counted.”

Patrick told Hannity, “Furthermore, these are prone to and fraud. In one case, one of our experts took their cell phone, hooked it up to a USB port, and were able to download all of the information from that voting machine into their cellphone.”

Patrick told Sean that he believes there should be a recount in every state where Dominion Voting Systems were used.

Voting System Examination(s) and Status for Dominion


Click under Exam Date for examiner reports.
Click under Status for certification and/or other available document.

Voting System Component
Exam Date
Dominion Voting Systems
Democracy Suite 5.5-A
EMS – Election Management System
ADJ – Adjudication
ICC – ImageCast Central
ICX – ImageCast X BMD
(Ballot Marking Device)
ICP – ImageCast Precinct

Voting System Component
Exam Date
Dominion Voting Systems
Democracy Suite 5.5
EMS – Election Management System
ADJ – Adjudication
ICC – ImageCast Central
ICX – ImageCast X BMD
(Ballot Marking Device)
ICX – ImageCast X DRE w/ VVPAT
(Direct Recording Electronic w/ Voter
Verified Paper Audit Trail)
ICP – ImageCast Precinct
ICX – ImageCast X BMD Classic 15”
ICX – ImageCast X BMD Classic 21”

Voting System Component
Exam Date
Dominion Voting Systems
Assure 1.3
AccuVote-OS (Precinct Count)
AccuVote-OS (Central Count)
Ballot Station
TSX/TS Bootloader
Key Card Tool
Voter Card Encoder
VC Programmer
PCS Central Count
Assure Security Manager

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Analysis of Election Night Data from All States Shows MILLIONS OF VOTES Either Switched from President Trump to Biden or Were Lost — Using Dominion and Other Systems By Joe Hoft


November 10, 2020

We’ve reported on numerous events in the 2020 election which are being referred to as system ‘glitches’ in the media.

Last night we provided another ‘glitch’, this time in Wisconsin, which if reversed would eliminate Biden’s reported vote lead in the state.

Tonight we have obtained an unaudited analysis of data available for all the states looking for system glitches and other oddities in vote counts related to the Presidential race only.

Last night we reported on another so called system ‘glitch’, this time in a county in Wisconsin. Evidence was provided to us that showed that the vote totals for Rock County appeared to be switched between President Trump and Joe Biden. 9,516 votes were eliminated from President Trump and moved to Joe Biden. This 19,032 vote difference when corrected would eliminate Biden’s lead in Wisconsin.

TRENDING: REVEALED: 'Simple Math' Shows Biden Claims 13 MILLION More Votes Than There Were Eligible Voters Who Voted in 2020 Election

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: System ‘Glitch’ Also Uncovered In Wisconsin – Reversal of Swapped Votes Removes Lead from Joe Biden

In the post last night we also identified issues we’ve reported on in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia where similar ‘glitches’ occurred.

We next attempted to obtain more data on this issue so we could determine how widespread this issue may be and/or if there are reasonable explanations for what is occurring.

Then tonight we were led to a site on the Internet where someone who had seen our posts decided to do an analysis himself.

In the piece the author claims his work is a full list of votes switched from Trump to Biden or votes erased by Dominion (the vote machines used in many states across the US).

(The author claims that his work has been verified but we have not verified the results so we currently are labeling his results “unaudited.”)

The author decided to obtain the data himself and perform an analysis of national votes switched from Trump to Biden and votes erased (the total amount of votes counted decreased by that amount throughout the counting).

The author obtained data that has been passed around that was reportedly captured by the New York Times on election night.

By examining the data the author was able to locate an instance where votes were switched from Trump to Biden so he decided to perform an analysis on the entire data set, starting with the states where Dominion voting machines are used.

The author also claims that the data is from Edison Research and it is the same data that is used for election coverage by at least ABC News, CBS News, CNN and NBC News.

It is also used for the website of the NYT, and probably others as well.

Here are the (unaudited) results by state:

The Chart Lists Votes Switched from Trump to Biden and Votes That Were Lost by Trump

Switched Votes Lost Votes
Dominion Systems
Pennsylvania 220,883 941,248
New Jersey 80,242 20
Florida 21,422 456
Michigan 20,213 21,882
New York 18,124 623,213
Georgia 17,407 33,574
Ohio 14,965 5,102
Virginia 12,163 789,023
California 7,701 10,989
Arizona 4,492 0
Minnesota 2,766 195,650
Tennessee 2,330 0
Louisiana 2,322 0
Illinois 2,166 54,730
Wisconsin 2,078 3,408
Colorado 1,809 0
Utah 1,627 0
New Hampshire 973 116
Iowa 938 477
New Mexico 268 4,610
Missouri 0 20,730
Nevada 0 0
Alaska 0 0
Washington 0 0
Hawaii 0 0
434,889 2,705,228
Kansas and Texas use Premier Election Solutions, Owned by Dominion
Texas 14,954 30,557
Kansas 1,674 2,154
16,628 32,711
Election Systems & Software
Nebraska 30,086 50
Kentucky 8,129 23,849
Arkansas 3,664 20,748
South Carolina 2,779 2,119
Montana 2,330 1,276
South Dakota 1,347 1
North Dakota 234 681
Maryland 203 0
North Carolina 0 15
District of Columbia 0 0
48,772 48,739
Unknown Systems
Connecticut 3,834 272
Massachusetts 3,613 51
Oregon 2,557 0
Alabama 1,170 408
Mississippi 355 0
Maine 271 35
Rhode Island 6 13
West Virginia 0 78,300
Idaho 0 0
Oklahoma 0 0
Indiana 0 0
Delaware 0 0
Vermont 0 0
11,806 79,079
OVERALL TOTALS 512,095 2,865,757

Based on this initial analysis over 500,000 votes were identified that were switched from President Trump to Joe Biden.

In addition to this another 2,865,757 votes were deleted.

Note that these numbers have not yet been audited by us.

We also have not performed this exercise by county in these states which could impact the countrywide vote totals even more. More needs to be done. But what is clear, there are some very questionable transactions occurring within the voting machines and applications which need to be reviewed further because of apparent material issues in reporting.

We know there was a tremendous amount of fraud in the 2020 election.

Nobody was following Joe Biden and he had zero support, and yet his vote count surpassed the greatest campaign in US history led by President Trump.

We are supposed to believe Joe Biden defeated President Trump and at the same time lost seats in the US House and state legislatures. This is highly improbable.

It looks like the Democrats did everything imaginable in their attempt to steal this election.

The problem was they never expected President Trump to lead a record breaking campaign and they got caught.

More will be exposed.

Democrats Warren, Klobuchar, Wyden Wrote Complaint Against Dominion In 2019

Nothing has changed about Dominion Voting Systems since 2019 but now these three far-Left of center politicians have nothing to say By Frank Salvato


November 16, 2020

Elizabeth Warren, Dominion Voting Systems

Dominion Voting Systems is front and center in the news today because of “glitches” and flipped vote counts performed by their software. But while Republicans and conservatives call foul on Dominion the Left is silent. That wasn’t the case just one year ago.

In 2019 Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), and Ron Wyden (D-OR), were so upset with the performance of the machines and software provided by Dominion Voting Systems that they penned a formal letter of complaint to the founders and co-CEOs of Dominion’s parent company, H.I.G. Capital, Inc demanding answers.

Then, it appears, the three far-Left Senators found it unacceptable that Dominion software had flipped votes cast for one candidate to another. In each case that they protested, the votes were flipped from their preferred candidate to that candidate’s opponent.

In their letter to Sami Mnaymneh and Tony Tamer – the co-CEOs of H.I.G. Capital, the Senators made no qualms about hos unhappy they were with Dominion.

“In 2018 alone voters in South Carolina [were] reporting machines that switched their votes after they’d inputted them, scanners [were] rejecting paper ballots in Missouri, and busted machines [were] causing long lines in Indiana,” the Senators noted from an article in Vice.

“In addition, researchers recently uncovered previously undisclosed vulnerabilities in ‘nearly three dozen backend election systems in 10 states,’” the letter continued.

“And, just this year,” the letter went on, “after the Democratic candidate’s electronic tally showed he received an improbable 164 votes out of 55,000 cast in a Pennsylvania state judicial election in 2019, the county’s Republican Chairwoman said, ‘[n]othing went right on Election Day. Everything went wrong. That’s a problem.’”

The letter went on to enumerate seven questions about a litany of concerns regarding H.I.G. Capital and Dominion Voting Services.

Warren, Klobuchar & Wyden Letter

“These problems threaten the integrity of our elections and demonstrate the importance of election systems that are strong, durable, and not vulnerable to attack,” the Senators insisted in their letter.

Today, Dominion Voting Services machines and software is flipping votes from Republican candidates to Democrat candidates, including enough flipped votes to alter the presidential race between President Trump and Democrat challenger Joe Biden. Yet, there is a deafening silence from these three US Senators who just a year ago cried foul.

Critics of the three Senators were quick to point out their political opportunism, the hypocrisy of their silence, and how they are copasetic with election fraud when it benefits their candidates.

Read the Explosive Report on Dominion Voting Systems by the Trump Team Given to State Legislators By Ben Wetmore


Dec 3, 2020

The Trump Team has been giving state legislators a rundown of the voter fraud they claim was used to steal the election from Trump to Biden.

China. Venezuela. George Soros. Clinton Foundation. It’s a brief rundown, but the content, if accurate, suggests deep-seated problems at the nation’s now most-infamous voting machine company: Dominion.

The report has several bombshells, they include:

  • In a sworn affidavit, a former high-ranking Venezuelan Military Officer states that the Smartmatic software was designed so that votes could be changed without being detected, and was set up so that there would be no public evidence of tampering with votes
  • Dominion is also tied to the Clinton Foundation, as well as several state-run Venezuelan software and telecommunications companies, which had been involved with rigging elections for authoritarian leaders, like Hugo Chavez, and Nicolas Maduro
  • In 2014, Lord Malloch Brown became the chairman of the board of SGO Corporation Limited, a holding company based in London whose primary asset is Smartmatic electronic voting machine technology. Lord Malloch-Brown is a member of the British House of Lords, and a former vice-chairman of George Soros’ Investment Funds, and former vice-president at the World Bank.
  • Dominion voting machine components are made in China, subject to possible manipulation.
  • Dominion’s instruction manual explains how votes can be wiped away in an instant, with the capability of “dragging and dropping” votes to a separate folder, then deleting that folder entirely.
  • Brian Mechler, who conducted an inspection of Dominion electronic voting machines for the Secretary of State of Texas in 2019, said in an affidavit that the Dominion systems are so outdated that they are not even supported by Google from a security standpoint. For this reason, the affiant cites that it is unclear how Dominion could have met its obligations to maintain adequate security practices, or secure any faith in this system or its results.

This is an explosive report.

You can read the entire report here:

November 30, 2020

December 4, 2020

December 6, 2020

December 6, 2020

December 6, 2020

December 9, 2020

December 14, 2020

December 15, 2020

December 16, 2020

December 18, 2020

December 30, 2020

Superman Pasta Primavera Recipe By Christopher Reeve

In 1988, actor Christopher Reeve had his pasta primavera recipe published in the Old Globe Theatre fundraiser cookbook Cooks 'Round The Globe: Selected Recipes From Artists And Friends Of San Diego's Award Winning Old Globe Theatre.

Obituary - Knicley

Edward F. Knicley
April 10, 2019

Edward F. Knicley, age 85, longtime Riverton, NJ resident, passed away peacefully on April 10, 2019.

He is survived by his beloved wife of 48 years Rosemary Knicley (Corbett), his four daughters: Sharon MacWilliams (Laverty) and husband, Jerry; Mary Laverty; Kathy Palait (Knicley) and husband, Al; Karen Palena (Knicley) and husband, Scott, and nine loving grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his son, Joseph Laverty and his parents, Lena and Frank Knicley. Also survived by his brother, Robert Knicley and wife Marilyn.

Edward was born and raised in Buckhannon, West Virginia; graduated from West Virginia University then became an officer in the Navy. Later settled in New Jersey where he raised his family. He was a sales representative for 27 years for Hoechst-Celanese Corporation in the printing industry. He was a range officer at Delran Marksman, for 40 years. As history was his passion, he was involved in reenacting the Revolutionary War with the Second Pennsylvania Regiment and later joined the Royal Welsh Fusiliers based out of England.

Relatives and friends are invited to attend a visitation Sunday, April 14, 2019 from 6:00P – 8:00 PM at the Weber Funeral Home, 112 Broad Street, Riverton, NJ 08077 and to  attend his Mass of Christian Burial on Monday, April 15, 2019 at 10:00 AM, with visitation starting at 9:00 AM, all at Mater Ecclesiae Roman Catholic Church, 261 Cross Keys Rd., Berlin, NJ 08009. Interment will follow at Lakeview Memorial Park in Cinnaminson. In lieu of flowers donations may be made in his name to the Mater Ecclesiae ( Condolences may be shared at


Sunday, April 14, 2019
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

RIVERTON, New Jersey 08077


Monday, April 15, 2019
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Mater Ecclesiae Roman Catholic Church
261 Cross Keys Road
Berlin, NJ 08009

Funeral Mass

Monday, April 15, 2019
10:00 AM

Mater Ecclesiae Roman Catholic Church
261 Cross Keys Road
Berlin, NJ 08009

Interment / Burial

Monday, April 15, 2019
11:30 AM

Lakeview Memorial Park
1300 US-130 N.
Cinnaminson, NJ 08077
