Newspaper is an arm of the horrible Democratic Party
Source: 15, 2017
I have been a subscriber to your newspaper for many, many years and, honestly, only read it for only local information. Today's (Jan. 11) headlines regarding President-elect Donald Trump are pure fake news.
Does the paper ever investigate its negative stories about our soon-to-be new president before printing them? Even on the editorial page, in a commentary column regarding our Constitution ("Can the Constitution save us from Trump?” written by Richard Cohen of the Washington Post); I have never once seen a headline that said, “Why is President Obama constantly attacking our Constitution?” Looks like the your newspaper totally agrees with him. I treat your newspaper as another arm of the horrible Democratic Party, like it was during the past election. I am a proud Trump “deplorable.”
Marcia Kavitsky
Phillips Philes PHLASHBACK: Joyce Kavitsky's Age 17 B.C.T. Letter To The Editor