Saturday, October 26, 2024

The world has finally woken to the truth about the Wuhan virus. Now it’s time to hold China to account By Donald J. Trump

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March 4, 2023

Three years ago, I declared that COVID-19 almost certainly came from the Chinese Wuhan lab. Now, the world is finally admitting the truth.

The cover-up of COVID-19's origins is one of the greatest scandals in the history of the world. Millions of people all over the planet have died from the China Virus.

The cost of the outbreak and the lying about its origins is incalculable, some say in excess of $50 trillion.

Now it's time to hold China—and the corrupt forces who have facilitated this colossal suppression of facts—accountable for the damage they have inflicted upon all of humanity.

According to recent reports, the U.S. Department of Energy has concluded a Wuhan lab leak is the likely cause of the pandemic. The FBI reached the same conclusion. The facts are now plain for all to see.

When I first suggested in early 2020 that the virus may have come from a lab, it was called 'racist,' a 'conspiracy theory,' and a claim for which 'there is no evidence'.

The entire globalist establishment—from the World Health Organization, to the media, to Anthony Fauci and the public health authorities, to the corrupt Silicon Valley tech giants, to Joe Biden—worked relentlessly to silence, censor, and shut down any suggestion that the so-called 'lab leak theory' could be true.

Scientists who called for transparency and investigation were attacked.

Facebook and Twitter labeled posts related to the theory as 'disinformation.'

The media mercilessly ridiculed the idea.

When Joe Biden came into office, he shut down the investigation my administration had launched into the true origins of the China Virus.

We all know the real reason for these censorship campaigns. The 'lab leak' did not serve their political agendas. So they did the Chinese Communist Party's dirty work, and effectively imposed China's propaganda on the Western world.

There must now be a reckoning. The sinister censorship regimes in the United States and throughout the West must be dismantled and destroyed.

This scandal is the best possible reminder of why we must have free speech.

The World Health Organization must also be held to account. The WHO, which effectively did China's bidding, fully endorsed the 'natural origin' theory, failed to conduct a thorough inquiry into the possibility that the virus came from a lab, and covered up for China at every turn.

The WHO strongly recommended against my early China travel ban—which was proven to be 100 percent correct. Because of it, we saved hundreds of thousands of lives in the U.S.

For this reason, as President, after my detailed requests for specific reforms were ignored, I terminated America's relationship with the World Health Organization.

The United States was paying the WHO $450million dollars a year when I dropped out, for 300 million people.

China was paying $40million dollars for 1.4 billion people. They wanted me to come back in very badly. They offered me to come back in for what China pays. I said, 'Some day I might take it, but you have to be admonished.'

Not only did Joe Biden re-enter the WHO without getting any meaningful reforms, but he did so at full price, restoring the hundreds of millions of dollars American taxpayers send each year to an organization that badly misled the world in the service of Communist China.

Now, Joe Biden is negotiating to sign a treaty giving the WHO sweeping powers any time foreign bureaucrats decide to declare a pandemic.

In the event of a real emergency, the treaty would have us ship up to 20% of our medical supplies and medications to the WHO for distribution to other countries.

This outrageous globalist scheme would put America and other signatories on the path to surrendering our sovereignty to the whims of foreign public health bureaucrats—the same people who got COVID-19 completely and totally wrong.

The draft treaty also pushes censorship of disapproved speech about matters of public health—just like they censored the facts about the Wuhan Lab.

This is insanity. America and other free nations should have no part in it.

When I take the oath of office as the 47th president of the United States, I will once again withdraw the United States from the WHO, to protect our health, and to defend our freedom and independence.

Finally, now that the evidence of Chinese culpability is clear to all, we must hold China financially responsible for unleashing this plague upon the world.

Joe Biden will not do this. Biden is unbelievably weak on China—perhaps because his family has received millions of dollars from entities linked to the Chinese Communist Party.

Yet the need for accountability remains. China's deceptions and lies in the critical early phrase of the outbreak are well documented.

For example, they long insisted to the world that the virus could not spread from human to human.

They bought up vast quantities of PPE from all over the planet, while lying to other countries about the characteristics of the virus and the severity of the outbreak.

Their lies and deception killed any opportunity to stop this deadly global catastrophe at the start.

Add to that the probability that the virus emerged from a Chinese government lab, and may even have been engineered by Chinese government scientists, and it is clear that the nations of the world are not just owed a massive apology; they are owed massive damages.

To collect this compensation, nothing should be off the table—tariffs, taxes, and a global summit on reparations.

The World must ensure that such a tragedy never happens again!

The Real Victim of the Russiagate Hoax Wasn't Me. It Was the American People By Donald J. Trump


Jul 31, 2023
Former U.S. President Donald Trump gestures as he enters the Erie Insurance Arena for a political rally while campaigning for the GOP nomination in the 2024 election on July 29, 2023 in Erie, Pennsylvania.
Jeff Swensen/Getty Images

The report by Special Counsel John Durham makes clear beyond a shred of doubt that the Russia Hoax was the most atrocious weaponization of our government in American history. It was a crime like no other.

Seven years ago, I ran for office taking on all the most corrupt forces and entrenched interests in our nation's capital. My agenda was an existential threat to a Washington establishment that got rich and powerful bleeding America dry.

I vowed to stop mass illegal immigration, terminate globalist trade deals, end the sellout of our country to Communist China, stand up to the permanent bureaucracy and the corporate media, and break the neocon addiction to endless foreign wars.

In response, an unelected cabal in the senior ranks of our government, in concert with their chosen candidate, Hillary Clinton, and their allies in the media, launched the de-facto coup attempt known as the Russia Hoax.

Their goal was to prevent my election, and failing that, to throw me out of office or sabotage my presidency, undercut my agenda in Congress, block my domestic reforms, and interfere with my foreign policy.

For nearly three years, they carried out a massive disinformation campaign and lawless persecution based on the monstrous lie that I was a traitor to my country.

These Deep State plotters spied on my campaign. They forged false evidence to get illegal surveillance warrants and smear innocent people through leaks to the media. They offered $1 million for a fictitious dossier written by a foreign spy to try to frame me with treason. They shattered countless lives.

The Durham Report proves that the key figures involved knew from the start that the Russia Collusion conspiracy theory was a lie. The FBI launched their witch hunt without a scrap of legitimate evidence—and when they came upon exonerating information time after time, they covered it up and kept the hoax going forward.

The sickness was driven from the very top. FBI Director James Comey constantly pressured agents for more surveillance and warrants, demanding to know over and over "Where is the FISA, where is the FISA?"

Barack Obama and Joe Biden were in on it, too. They were briefed in August 2016 on reports that Clinton planned to "vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian Security Services."

They knew the truth, yet they put our country through hell.

As savage and cruel as the Russia Hoax was for me, my family, my staff, and so many innocent bystanders, the real victims were the American People.

The destruction this hoax caused to America is almost incalculable. It subverted our democracy, it threatened our security, and it endangered our freedom.

At a critical moment when we should have been reducing tensions with Russia, the Russia Hoax stoked mass hysteria that helped drive Russia straight into the arms of China.

Instead of having a better relationship with Russia as I worked to build, we now have a proxy war with Russia, fueled in part by the lingering fumes of Russiagate delirium. Ukraine has been utterly devastated. Untold numbers of people have been killed. And we could very well end up in World War III.

As the Twitter Files have proven, the Radical Left establishment also used the Russia Hoax to attack freedom of speech. They built a sprawling domestic censorship regime under the guise of combatting so-called "Russian disinformation"—which they quickly defined to include any content they did not like.

The intelligence community, the media, and the Silicon Valley tech companies then deployed this very pretext, "Russian disinformation," to censor the Biden corruption scandal in 2020—censorship orchestrated, as we now know, by the Biden campaign.

In one poll last year, 79 percent of Americans following the story about Hunter Biden's sordid laptop said truthful coverage of that wrongly censored story would have changed the outcome of the election. Our country is now paying a very steep price.

Perhaps most dangerous of all, the Russia Hoax normalized the weaponization of law enforcement against the Left's political enemies. The Radical Democrats and their media partners now cheer as Biden's DOJ demands the FBI investigate parents at school board meetings, deploys heavily armed teams to arrest pro-life activists, and pursues an all-out persecution of Joe Biden's leading opponent for the presidency.

These corrupted agencies have interfered in every election since 2016—and they are interfering in the 2024 election before our very eyes.

There must be a reckoning. Accountability now lies in the hands of the voters. The Durham Report has made the stakes abundantly clear, and now the choice is ours: either the Deep State destroys America, or we destroy the Deep State.

Donald J. Trump was the 45th President of the United States.

Biden's Weakness and Incompetence Strengthened Iran—and Hamas By Donald J. Trump


Oct 17, 2023

The barbaric and evil terrorist attacks on Israel are a horrific reminder that the world is safe when America is strong—but when we have a weak president in the White House, the costs can be greater than our worst nightmares.

If we hope to prevent further shedding of innocent blood, the United States must learn the painful lessons of these savage atrocities. As we pray for the Israeli people in this hour of anguish and give them our complete and total support, we must also confront the absolute failure of the Biden administration, whose incompetence and ignorance invited this heinous and deadly assault on civilization itself. The only thing Biden is good at is the weaponization of the justice system against his political opponents.

Every step of the way, Joe Biden has empowered and emboldened America's enemies the world over—and clearly none more so than the terrorist group Hamas, and their bloodthirsty sponsor, the villainous regime in Iran.

When I left office, Iran was weak, broke, and desperate to make a deal. I told other nations, including China, that if you buy oil from Iran, you can't do business in the United States. Virtually all complied. Iran's terrorist regime was careening toward bankruptcy, hemorrhaging money, and could barely pay the salaries of their radical Islamic thugs. I hammered Iranian oil exports down to a record low. But then Biden came in, loosened my sanctions, and today Iran is producing more than three million barrels a day. Iran went from making little money under me to raking in at least $80 billion a year under Biden.

Iran knew that Biden was soft, foolish, and able to be pushed around the very moment he assumed office. In May 2021, shortly after Biden eased sanctions, Iran's proxy Hamas launched over 4,000 missiles at Israeli population centers. Iran paid no price—and then Biden sat back for nearly three years while the Iranian regime accumulated $70 billion in oil wealth to help fund its terror network around the world.

On top of all this, just last month, Biden unfroze $6 billion of Iranian money in exchange for hostages—a ransom payment that set a terrible precedent and put a bounty on the heads of innocent people all over the globe.

Meanwhile, Iran and China strengthened ties with oil deals worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

Days ago, we saw the deadly consequences of these three years of breathtaking weakness and appeasement: the worst terror attack in Israel's history. Depraved savages rampaged through civilian communities house by house, torturing, raping, and maiming innocent men, women, and children. They kidnapped infants and the elderly and took them hostage to torture them some more. They had children tied up and shot. Babies murdered and burned.

The tens of billions of dollars that Biden allowed Iran to accumulate are now being used by Iran to finance this mayhem and murder.

Under my leadership, our approach was the exact opposite. The world was safe, peaceful, and calm—because the United States of America was respected and strong.

In four short years, I obliterated the ISIS territorial caliphate. I terminated its founder and leader, Al Baghdadi. I devastated the senior ranks of Al Qaeda. I stood up to the corrupt Iranian regime like no president in history. I withdrew from the horrendous Iran Nuclear Deal, and I imposed the toughest ever sanctions on the regime. I eliminated Iran's terrorist mastermind Qasem Soleimani, who was killing our soldiers and everyone else. We crushed the Iranian regime's finances and decimated their ability to fund terrorist proxies like Hamas and Hezbollah.

I also took a firm stand against Palestinian terrorists and terrorist sympathizers, cutting off hundreds of billions of dollars to the Palestinian Authority. When Biden took office, one of the first things he did was reverse this policy and ship $235 million American taxpayer dollars to the Palestinians—despite warnings from within his own government that this money would be used to fund Hamas's terror campaigns. He reportedly even gave $100,000 to a Palestinian university that describes Hamas terrorists as "righteous martyrs."

I was proud to be the best friend Israel ever had in the White House. I kept my promise, recognized Israel's capital, and opened the American Embassy in Jerusalem. I also recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

In addition, we negotiated the historic Abraham Accords, through which multiple Arab countries normalized relations with Israel, leaving Iran increasingly isolated.

What a difference a president makes.

When I return to the White House, I will once again stand with Israel 100 percent. The United States will fully support Israel in defeating, dismantling, and permanently destroying the terror group Hamas. And we will once again cut off money for UNRWA, the corrupt U.N. agency that has been helping fuel this conflict for decades.

I will once again turn on American oil—unleashing American Energy Independence as we were just three years ago.

In addition, I will immediately begin the process of building a state-of-the-art Missile Defense shield in America. Americans deserve an Iron Dome as well.

We will restore the Trump Travel Ban on entry by people from terror-plagued countries, territories, and places.

As President, I also suspended refugee resettlement when we entered office in 2017, and we will do it again. I banned refugees from Syria, I banned refugees from Somalia, and from all the most dangerous places in the world—and in my second term, we are going to expand each and every ban to keep America safe. We aren't bringing in anyone from Gaza or Syria or Somalia or Yemen, or Libya, or anywhere else that threatens our security.

I also issued a historic rule proclaiming that no refugees would be resettled in local communities without their consent, and we will reinstate that rule on Day One.

Next, we will implement strong ideological screening for all immigrants to the United States. No longer will we allow dangerous lunatics, haters, bigots, and maniacs to get residency in our country. If you empathize with Radical Islamic terrorists and extremists, you're disqualified. If you want to abolish the state of Israel, you're disqualified. If you support Hamas or the ideology behind Hamas, you're disqualified. And if you're a Communist, Marxist, or Fascist, you are disqualified.

In addition, we will aggressively deport resident aliens with jihadist sympathies. In the wake of the attacks on Israel, Americans have been disgusted to see open support for terrorists among the legions of foreign nationals on college campuses. Under the Trump administration, we will revoke the student visas of radical anti-American and antisemitic foreigners at our colleges and universities—and we will send them straight back home.

Likewise, the mobs of pro-Hamas barbarians we saw in the streets of New York and other cities last week have no place in America. Jewish mothers and fathers should never have to send their children to school fearing they will be shot or stabbed on a so-called "Day of Jihad". Under my administration, we will proactively send ICE to pro-jihadist demonstrations to enforce our immigration laws and remove the violators from our country. And we will continue the process we started in my first four years of stripping citizenship from criminals, terrorists, and immigration cheaters and frauds.

Finally, we will fully secure our border and begin the largest deportation operation in American history, including removing all the illegal aliens from countries that hate us and hate our values. Under Biden, terrorists and criminals are pouring in. We will stop them and remove them.

With Biden, Iranian agents have also been running our Iran policy under disgraced Iran envoy Robert Malley, a Hamas sympathizer who has pronounced the terror group misunderstood. Allegedly due to Malley's influence, Biden's State Department and Defense Department were reportedly infiltrated by people with close ties to Iran in highly sensitive positions. This should be regarded as one of the greatest national security scandals in American history—but the Fake News ignores it.

Under my administration, we will hunt down and remove all Iranian spies, agents, or suspected agents from the United States government.

This is how I will begin to undo the terrible damage Joe Biden has done and end the Biden betrayal of Israel. In the meantime, the entire world must stand with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel's war-time government as they seek to defeat these murderous enemies.

Under a Trump administration, Iran will once again be weak, Israel will once again be safe, and the United States of America will be stronger and more powerful than ever before.

Donald J. Trump was the 45th President of the United States.

I Will Make America Great Again for Young People By Donald J. Trump


Nov 29, 2023
Former U.S. President Donald Trump waves to the crowd on the field during halftime in the Palmetto Bowl between Clemson and South Carolina at Williams Brice Stadium on November 25, 2023 in Columbia, South Carolina.
Sean Rayford/Getty Images

With less than one year to go until Election Day, the polls show that we are beating Joe Biden by wide margins both nationally and in the battleground states—and young people are a major part of the reason why. A recent NBC News poll found that we are leading Biden 46 percent to 42 percent nationally among voters ages 18 to 34—a clear sign that young Americans are rejecting Joe Biden's reign of failure, incompetence, and corruption.

During the first Trump administration, we created the strongest and most prosperous economy in the history of the world. Under my leadership, annual incomes went up by more than $6,000, inflation was under 2 percent, and we had gasoline down to $1.87 per gallon. Household net worth reached an all-time high, with the bottom 50 percent of American households seeing a 40 percent increase in their net worth.

The U.S. economy had never been better for young Americans, but for the past three years, young people have borne the heavy costs of the failed Biden agenda: crippling inflation, soaring prices, skyrocketing interest rates, unaffordable housing, and escalating crime. Over the course of the Biden administration, real incomes have gone down by $7,400 per family. Gas prices reached as high as $7 a gallon in some places. Cumulative inflation is 18 percent. And mortgage rates are pushing a brutal seven percent—making home ownership out of reach for countless young Americans.

When I was in office, the 30-year mortgage rate reached a record low of 2.65 percent—and the median-income American family could afford a mortgage. Yet thanks to Biden's disastrous economy, interest rates have skyrocketed, making home-ownership out of reach for too many Americans, especially young Americans who in previous generations would be looking to start a family. As a result, historically high numbers of young people are delaying marriage and children. According to a recent study, three quarters of Gen Z and Millennial couples believe it's too expensive to get married today. A 2022 study found that financial concerns are the number one reason why Americans are dropping out of school.

Sadly, many younger Americans are putting their lives on hold because they think the Biden economy leaves them no choice.

And on top of it all, Biden's war on American energy is making everything more expensive. Thanks to his Green New Deal agenda, new car prices have surged by nearly 30 percent since I left office. The average new car now costs an astonishing $50,000. You practically have to be a rich person to afford a new car. Because of higher interest rates and soaring prices under Biden, the typical car payment is now almost $750 a month.

Instead of helping our young people confidently begin their lives, careers, and families, Joe Biden is crushing their dreams with debt, taxes, and inflation, and paving the way for a future of anger and despair.

Under Joe Biden, we are a nation in decline and rapidly losing the American Dream.

But Biden's destruction of the American economy is just the beginning of his war on young people. The Radical Left has also unleashed shocking waves of violent crime and bloodshed, making our nation's once-great cities almost unlivable for young Americans entering the workforce. Joe Biden's unimaginable weakness on the world stage is threatening to drag the United States into World War III, which would devastate an entire generation of young Americans. And the Democrats' radical promotion of Critical Race Theory, transgenderism, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, and political content in our schools has divided our communities and frayed the bonds of national unity.

When I take the oath of office as the 47th President of the United States, I will rapidly rebuild the greatest economy in the history of the world so that young people can thrive and prosper. I will stop Joe Biden's inflation nightmare, increase energy production, massively reduce government spending, and bring down interest rates, so that young people can once again afford to start a family, buy a home, and plan for a great future—the basic building blocks of the American Dream. I did it before, and we will do it once again.

I will also restore law and order in our nation's cities, empower our men and women in law enforcement, and stop the Radical Marxist prosecutors surrendering our cities to violent criminals. I will quickly secure our southern border to end the influx of deadly drugs into our communities. I will work to eradicate the scourge of drug addiction once and for all. And to further protect our young people, I will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing far-left content on our children.

American voters have it within their power to quickly return our country to peace, prosperity, and strength—and no one will benefit from bringing that change to our nation's capital more than young people. That's why next November, tens of millions of young Americans will be casting their vote to end Joe Biden's failed presidency, and to finish the job of making America great again.

Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States, is a Republican candidate for president.

President Trump Publishes Rebuttal to Democrat Party’s Abuse of 14th Amendment to Remove Him from the Ballot Like They Did to Abe Lincoln by Jim Hoft


Jan. 1, 2024

President Donald Trump published his rebuttal to the politicized left and their attempts to unjustly use the 14th Amendment in an unprecedented manner to exclude GOP leader President Donald Trump from the primary and general election ballot.

The entire argument was published on Truth Social on New Year’s Eve.

The 13 page document is a devastating argument against this cowardly act by the Neo-Marxist Democrat Party.

The supplemental on page 13 begins with this stunning piece of history first reported at The Gateway Pundit but ignored to this day by the mainstream state-approved media.

Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit: “The Last Time Democrats Took a GOP Candidate Off the Ballot Was in 1860 – They Would Not Allow Abraham Lincoln’s Name on the Ballot in Their Slave States.”

Democrats also attempted to remove Abraham Lincoln from the ballot. Lincoln prevailed anyway. The rest is history.

Here are the 5 Truth social posts containing the president’s rebuttal to the power-hungry Marxists.

The full document was posted on Truth Social.





5. supplemental

This is how I will end Joe Biden's border disaster on day one By Donald Trump


Jan. 3, 2024

Mug of Trump only 012314 PBDN Debbie Schatz 13 Photos Fine Wines and Hidden Treasures Gala Benefiting Food for the Poor at the Mar-a-Lago Club Arlette Gordon with Donald Trump and Elizabeth Bowden

We do not have time for on-the-job training. Unlike every other candidate, with me, there is no question. I promise you that I will get this job done.

The most urgent task facing the next president is to end Joe Biden’s nation-wrecking nightmare on our southern border. I am the only candidate who will stop this invasion — and I will do it on day one.

Under the Trump administration, we had the most secure border in U.S. history. We ended catch-and-release, and removed over 1 million illegal aliens in my first term. I negotiated unprecedented agreements with Central American nations and brokered “Remain in Mexico” to stop the flow of migrants to our border. I also got the Mexican government to deploy tens of thousands of soldiers to the border free of charge.

Every step of the way, we fought obstructionist left-wing judges and radical Democrat activists who tried to stop us — and we won.

By the time I left office, we’d built 500 miles of border wall, with many more miles just weeks away from completion. And under my Title 42 policy, people all over the world knew that if they entered illegally, we would send them straight back home.

But then Joe Biden came in, canceled the border wall, ended Remain in Mexico, ripped up my asylum bans, ended Title 42, and began resettling millions of migrants into American communities at taxpayer expense.

Now you are witnessing the disastrous results. We have the highest number of illegal border crossings in history, by far. Nearly a quarter million migrants crossed in November alone — and that’s a likely vast undercount. Migrants are overwhelming our cities. Drugs, criminals, gang members and terrorists are pouring in.

On my first day back in office, I will terminate every open borders policy of the Biden administration and immediately restore the full set of strong Trump border policies.

Then, we will begin a record-setting deportation operation. Joe Biden has given us no choice. The millions of illegal aliens who have invaded under Biden require a record number of removals. This is just common sense.

To achieve this goal, I will make clear to every department and to state and local governments that we must use all resources and authorities available. We will shift massive portions of federal law enforcement to immigration enforcement — including parts of the DEA, ATF, FBI, and DHS.

I also will invoke the Alien Enemies Act to remove known or suspected gang members, drug dealers, or cartel members from the United States. And we will use Title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis at last.

Joe Biden is leaving behind a catastrophe of historic proportions. The next president must secure the border while also stopping inflation, saving the economy, cleaning up Washington corruption, restoring peace through strength, and preventing World War III.

We do not have time for on-the-job training. Unlike every other candidate, with me, there is no question. I promise you that I will get this job done.

Iowans want secure borders. You must send that message with your vote. Show up on Jan. 15 and vote to stop the invasion by caucusing for Donald J. Trump.

Donald J. Trump is a Republican candidate for president. He was the 45th president of the United States.

My Plan to Make America Affordable Again—and Bring Back the American Dream By Donald J. Trump


Oct 01, 2024

For years, Americans have watched as our country has been stripped of our jobs and stripped of our wealth. We've watched our companies get sold off to foreign countries. But with my plan for the American economy, this will stop immediately. When I am president, we will begin to take other countries' jobs and factories, bringing businesses and trillions of dollars back to the United States.

Under my plan, American workers will no longer be worried about losing their jobs to foreign nations. Instead, foreign nations will be worried about losing their jobs to Americans. German car companies can become American car companies. We can beat China in electronic production. Manufacturers that have left us will come sprinting back to our shores.

Here's the deal that I will be offering to companies and manufacturers around the planet: The United States will give you the lowest taxes, the lowest energy costs, the lowest regulatory burdens, and free access to the best and biggest market on the planet—but only if you make your products here in America and hire American workers for the job.

If these companies don't take the deal, they'll pay a tariff when they send their products—made in another country—to us. And we will use the hundreds of billions of tariff dollars to benefit American citizens.

This New American Industrialism will create millions of jobs, massively raise wages for American workers, and make the United States a manufacturing powerhouse once again.

By contrast, Vice President Kamala Harris, the Tax Queen, plans to tax unrealized capital gains, so if a company succeeds, it must give half of its value to the government. Harris is right now shutting down power-plants across the country, causing electricity prices to soar by more than 100 percent and driving us into third world status by attacking the entire fossil fuel industry.

In Kamala Harris' America, if you ship production overseas, she will give you a tax break and subsidies. With her tie-breaking vote on what I call the "Inflation Creation Act," she sent billions to Chinese battery factories, Chinese solar factories, and Chinese electronics factories. It's no wonder that under Kamala Harris, we lost 24,000 manufacturing jobs in August 2024 alone.

But this horrific nightmare for American workers ends the day I take the oath of office.

The centerpiece of my plan for a manufacturing renaissance will be a 15 percent Made in America Corporate Tax Rate, cutting the business tax from 21 percent to 15 percent—but again, only for those who make their product in America. U.S.-based manufacturers will also be rewarded with expanded research and development tax credits to help build the sprawling, state-of-the art plants our country needs to be an industrial superpower in the modern world.

We will cut energy and electricity prices in half within 12 months—not just for businesses but for all Americans and their families, and we will quickly double our electricity capacity, which we need to do to compete with China and other countries on Artificial Intelligence. With the lowest energy prices on earth, we will attract energy-hungry industries from all over the planet and millions of blue-collar jobs.

We will also set up special zones on federal land with ultra-low taxes and regulations for American producers, to entice the relocation of entire industries from other countries. And we will seriously expedite environmental approvals so we can use the resources we have right here on American soil.

And I have pledged to remove 10 old and burdensome regulations from the books for every new regulation. In my first term as president, I was the biggest regulation cutter in history!

To help ensure our pro-manufacturing policies reach their full potential, I will also appoint a Manufacturing Ambassador, whose sole task will be to go around the world and convince major manufacturers to pack up and move their production to America.

And we will also remove millions of illegal immigrants from this country. These migrants are taking jobs from American workers and driving down their wages, especially African American and Hispanic workers. Our agenda will always prioritize American workers making good wages.

The same can't be said for Vice President Kamala Harris, who oversaw an influx of millions upon millions of illegal immigrants into the United States, presiding over the worst border crisis in American history.

If Vice President Harris gets four more years, this time as president, she will de-industrialize the United States and destroy our country. We will become a Banana Republic. There will be no car industry, no steel industry, no significant manufacturing of any kind—and we will be at risk of military defeat.

Here's a very simple fact: If you don't have steel, you don't have a military. That's one of the reasons I'm not going to allow Japan to buy U.S. Steel, which 70 years ago was the greatest company on earth.

My industrial policy is only one piece of an economic vision for revitalizing this country for the hardest working Americans. It will join my 2017 tax cuts for working Americans—the largest in U.S. history, which I will make permanent—and my new proposal to ban all taxes on overtime hours, tips for service workers, and Social Security benefits for our great seniors. And we will deport millions of illegal immigrants and begin to control our own borders again, restoring wonderful jobs in America to legal American workers.

This is how we will make America affordable again.

Vote Trump, and you will see a mass exodus of manufacturing from China to Pennsylvania, from South Korea to North Carolina, and from Germany to Georgia.

We will bring back the American dream, bigger, better, and stronger than ever before.

Donald J. Trump was the 45th president of the United States and a presidential candidate.

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