Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Illegals Must Go - Two Ways To Do it

"How will we deport them all?"

Source: http://www.federalistjournal.com/fedblog/?p=2732

April 11, 2006

Today on his radio program, Dennis Prager asked the question "how do we deport 12 million people?" The question is a common one, and is asked as if it were an unanswerable question, when in fact the answer is simple. We're already deporting them. The problem is the continued inflow.

According to the Department of Homeland Security, which now handles border enforcement, over a million people a year are going back home now:

In 2004, in summary:

*DHS apprehended an estimated 1,241,089 foreign nationals. Ninety-two percent were natives of Mexico.
*There were 58,727 investigations initiated and 46,656 closed for immigration related activities including crime, compliance enforcement, work site enforcement, identity and benefit fraud, alien smuggling, and counter terrorism.
*ICE detained approximately 235,247 foreign nationals for a minimum of 24 hours.
*There were 202,842 foreign nationals formally removed from the United States. The leading countries of origin of formal removals were Mexico (73 percent), Guatemala (4.1 percent) and Honduras (4.0 percent). More than 1,035,000 other foreign nationals accepted an offer of voluntary departure.
*Expedited removals accounted for 41,752 or 21 per-cent of all formal removals.
*DHS removed 88,897 criminal aliens from the United States. The majority of criminal aliens (68,771 or 77 percent) were from Mexico.

At that rate, 12 million people would be removed in a decade, with no additional effort or new legislation. If at the same time the inflow were mostly curtailed, then the issue is resolved.

Note that we are not advocating here that every illegal alien be deported. We're only answering the "how can we?" question. Whether all 12 million should be deported is a separate question.

Michelle Malkin
The Washington Post

Deport Them All? No? But, Get Them To Leave Through Attrition? Yes.

Source: http://www.rightwingnews.com/mt331/2007/05/deport_them_all_no_but_get_the.php

by John Hawkins

May 4, 2007

There's a headline over at Drudge that says, "CNN'S DOBBS ON '60 MINUTES': U.S. COULD DEPORT ALL ILLEGALS."

Here's the quote,

"Dobbs is against amnesty programs for illegal immigrants and the president's guest worker proposal, so Stahl wonders whether Dobbs thinks the government could deport all illegal immigrants. "I've never called for their deportation,"says Dobbs. "But at the same time, when this president and open-borders, illegal-alien-amnesty advocates say, 'You can't deport them,' my answer is, 'You want to bet?' because this is the United States. I think this country can do anything it sets its mind to," he tells Stahl."

Realistically, you can't run them all down. However, if you...

#1) Crack down on the businesses that are hiring them so they can't get jobs.
#2) Deny illegals everything but emergency medical service.
#3) Aggressively attempt to enforce the laws and deport illegals whenever they're caught.
#4) Change the law so that a baby born to two people here illegally isn't an American citizen (which, after researching it a bit, I do think is Constitutional).

...You will get rid of 90-95% of the illegals that are here, not because we will catch each and every one, slap the cuffs on them, and send them home, but because they will self-deport.

Most illegals are here to get jobs and most business owners aren't willing to risk jail to hire illegals. So, if you start making examples of businesses that hire illegals, the other business owners will get cold feet, stop hiring illegals, and that will take away the magnet that draws illegals here. Then, #2, #3, and #4 will make sure they get the idea that they're not wanted.

Combine the two policies and you put an end to the illegal alien problem except for a few criminals, drug runners, stragglers, etc. That's not to say every illegal alien would be gone, but so many of them would that illegal immigration would cease to be a big issue.

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