Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It’s not the Republicans’ fault By Derek Finch

Source: http://www.phillyburbs.com/news/news_details/article/578/2009/january/26/its-not-the-republicans-fault.html

January 26, 2009 10:39 AM

Burlington County Times

Before our eyes the American dream is withering away and we’re headed for socialism at its worst with the most liberal-voting, most absent, inexperienced senator in the White House. So while it appears we still have a right to our opinion in this country, I’d like to respond to the editorial written by Bonnie Erbe [Jan. 3]. In typical liberal fashion, she took her best shots at the Bush administration with little or no substance to back it up. Her hit-and-run piece hits the usual data points of the left and asks how Obama’s going to “fix so much that went wrong.” She puts all of today’s issues on the Bush administration.

She might want to look at the Democratically controlled Congress as well. While Nancy Pelosi has focused on the Capitol’s cafeteria menu, Congress has become more of a joke every day.

Erbe first mentions ignored threats of terror. The Bush administration didn’t ignore threats of terror, but it did inherit a CIA and FBI that weren’t on speaking terms. So, within the first nine months of a new term, terrorists [who were already in the country] were able to take advantage of liberal airport security policies [with penalties in place for any type of profiling]. The threat of Iraq hyped? Wrong. The president never said Iraq was connected to Sept. 11, 2001, although it has been proven that al-Qaida had been in Iraq for years, near the border with Syria.

Set aside Sept. 11, 2001, for a second. Based solely on the fact that Saddam Hussein did not abide by the terms of the Gulf War, the U.S. and its allies had enough reason to remove him. Democrats [yes, Democrats] and Republicans sided with the president, and based on information they were provided, decided to go to war. Early on, we really did see that Al-Qaida was in Iraq and some chemical weapons were found. Funded by Iran, insurgents used roadside bombs and Iraqi citizens as human shields to rack up American casualties. All of a sudden, liberal senators were on television saying they shouldn’t have voted to go to war and a few even called our soldiers criminals. Harry Reid said the war is lost and essentially motivated the enemy. What a guy. Haven’t heard much from him about Iraq lately though.

Then Erbe mentions Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib, but again with no explanation. You mean the Guantanamo that’s been used to hold hundreds of terrorists that would otherwise be doing their best to kill us? And stop with Abu Ghraib already. A handful of idiots, who are now doing some serious time, put prisoners through some fraternity hazing. They didn’t torture or behead anyone.

Next on the parade of hits, Hurricane Katrina. You know, every time it rains hard nowadays I curse that mean old George Bush. Why does he keep letting it happen? Neither the administration nor George Bush neglected anyone. The president wasn’t responsible for thugs shooting at rescue personnel from rooftops or the looters that decided a national tragedy is the perfect time to loot Circuit City.

No president [including Clinton] ever appointed as many minorities to their cabinet and other significant posts. Funny how Republicans are labeled as racists. It was the Republican party of Lincoln that decided abolishing slavery and keeping the union together was worth fighting and dying for. Democrats also have been buying votes from minorities [with your tax dollars] for decades with the promise of social welfare programs, while Republicans have preferred to develop initiatives that help a person learn to stand on their own, regardless of race.

Speaking of racism, anyone who votes for someone based on their skin color is a racist. If Obama had strong conservative Republican principles and was running on the GOP ticket, I would have been first in line to vote for him. It’s not about race, period. “Economic disaster:” The economy is cyclical.

The Bush administration warned Congress about unethical housing practices in 2005, but Democratic committee leaders like Frank and Dodd responded with accusations of racism. Everyone deserves a mortgage, even if they can’t afford it, and anyone that believes otherwise is a racist, by George.

Frankly, George Bush was a mediocre president— and the alltime worst communicator. But I appreciate his complete focus on upholding his oath of office by putting the country’s safety first and foremost. There are a lot of us out here who understood the challenge of the last eight years and we’re praying that four years from now a strong conservative can get us back on track. Getting back to Erbe’s original question: How will Obama “fix so much that went wrong”?

When I consider the 2006 YouTube video of Obama stating that it would be irresponsible for him to run for president with such little experience and I think of his campaign based on smooth, empty speeches and socialist “share the wealth” principles, I’m not too optimistic.

Derek Finch

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