Erin Reilly, Phillips Philes newest contributor, was among those honored for Burlington County Times 2nd Annual Forty Under Forty during an awards dinner at Indian Springs Country Club in Marlton, New Jersey on Monday, July 28, 2014.
Erin currently works at Evesham Mortgage following over a decade as a successful family-oriented real estate agent in Atlantic County. She was among 20 nominated by fellow Phillips Philes contributor Joyce Kavitsky - 14 were selected, including Erin. Her profile follows:

What high school/college did you attend, and what did you study?
Shawnee High School, Burlington County College for psychology
What community organizations do you spend time on/with?
The Camden Rescue Mission Holiday Toy Drive, Relay for Life and various other events and school programs all through my employer, Evesham Mortgage Company and the owners, Rick Brown Jr., Robert Kelley and Joseph Cordova. It feels really great to be part of a working family so dedicated.
What single characteristic do you feel every leader should possess?
What is your most fulfilling professional experience or accomplishment?
I was an active Realtor for the better part of 10 years. The very first time I sold a house was one of the most exhilarating experiences. To know that I was a key player in the future of another family was so unreal.
What one person, living or dead, would you want to spend a day with and why?
My grandfather. I never met him because he passed before I was born. I know that I can see him through my own dad by the stories told around the dinner table. It really gives me a sense of who he was.
Tell us something that most people don’t know about you.
I’m not afraid to get old.
Advice for future community leaders?
There must always be a sense of balance with everything, especially when you have opposing sides. If everyone can come to agreeable terms with whatever the situation is, a stronger foundation will be built. I know it’s easier said than done.
Tell us your own personal mission statement?
You earn respect. Don’t assume it.
Fiction or non-fiction? Why?
Fiction. There’s enough reality already.
If there was a movie being produced about you, what would the title be?
”Cybil” Just kidding! Either of my two favorite sayings, ”Seriously?” or “Really?” With the dramatic deadpan stare of course.
Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
Preparing myself for an empty nest. My son will be off to college and daughter graduating high school. I hope that the crib notes of life I outlined would have sunken in a bit and that they evolve into caring, respectful and unique adults. I would get working on the book I’ve been putting off writing.
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