Good Evening,
As I am typing this, I am listening to the late Casey Kasem counting down the Top 80 songs from 1972, part one, on 100.1 WJRZ, via internet. Growing up, it was one thing to look forward while off from school, tempting to hear how your favorite songs fared for such particular calendar year. Back in the day, you would have a local station do the local countdown, and the aforementioned Mr. Kasem doing the national version. As "The King of the Countdown" used to say, "Billboard ranks them, and AT 40 counts them down... ." All these years later, thanks to both internet radio and syndication, we get to enjoy and reminisce.
Before I go further, if you were to listen to the original broadcast from 1972-73 and Google the survey today, they are not in syncopation. My guess is that statistics were kept differently back then, maybe some manipulation of sorts. On Saturday, I was listening to Don Tandler on his Pop Gold Radio station playing a revised "Famous 56" WFIL Top 100 from 1971. I was not born until 1975, so I wouldn't know what the before and after would look like without looking for it online. Either way, it was a blast listening to. I believe, nationally, "Joy to the World" by Three Dog Night was #1 nationally and for many local countdowns for the year ending 1971. However, it was only #7 on WFIL's year-end countdown that year. The #1 song for WFIL's year ending 1971 countdown belonged to Rod Stewart, with "Maggie May"/"Reason to Believe". Yes, it was a double-sided hit, which is something you don't hear much anymore. Chicago was #4 with "Beginnings"/"Colour My World" and Carole King was #3 with "It's Too Late/"I Feel the Earth Move" on the aforementioned survey. I would think that "King" George Michael was smiling from the heavens above. Thank you again, Don Tandler, for taking us back in "The Time Machine". Every Saturday at 3:00 PM ET, Don spotlights a countdown from yesteryear. For more information on upcoming countdowns, you can check out the website at
For a countdown you may have never heard of before, Rich Appel has his Top 100 of Top 100's this weekend. For times and stations carrying it, you can check for information. I know that Pop Gold Radio is playing the show, in its entirety, from 12 Noon until 7:00 PM on New Year's Eve. I don't listen to today's music much these days, but my guess for Billboard's #1 for 2018's year end countdown would be Drake's "God's Plan". I would be happy if it is Dua Lipa's "New Rules", as I like her music. I only say this because of Ariana Grande's "Thank U, Next" was released late in the year. Time will tell on a revised chart down the road.
If I don't get to post again before this year wraps up, I want to take a moment to say, "Thank you!", for reading this and other posts on this blog. As we head into 2019, to quote Casey Kasem's closing line, "Keep your feet on the ground, and keep reaching for the stars."
Sunday, December 30, 2018
End of Year Countdowns
Posted by William N. Phillips, Jr. at 12/30/2018 11:00:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 28, 2018
Andrew L. Yarrow: It’s a lonely world, more for men
October 27, 2018
Former Surgeon General Vivek Murthy called loneliness a major public-health problem. And it is — but more so for men than women. Many women are lonely and hurting, yes, but men are more likely to be isolated than women, and the scale and nature of their loneliness differs.
When talking with divorced men and women for my new book, “Man Out: Men on the Sidelines of American Life,” I was struck by the striking post-divorce social difference between the sexes. Whereas men felt greater urgency to find a new partner, women had much more extensive and deeper support networks and were less eager to remarry. In one Eastern city, I found a tightly knit “divorced moms” group of 75 women living within about a mile’s radius of each other, whereas men generally had no such network. One of the rare divorced fathers’ groups I unearthed included less than a handful of men, and they participated irregularly and lived far apart.
Similarly, single women are more content with being unattached than single men are. Not only is the number of men living alone higher than it is for women — a reversal from pre-1990 patterns — but the proportion of men living alone is double what it was in 1970.
Men are less likely to acknowledge being lonely or reach out to others, as well, largely due to traditional masculine beliefs that admitting perceived weakness is unmanly.
Signs of waning male social connection are all around.
Once strong men’s civic associations have seen their memberships collapse. Take the Masons, for example: Its members have dropped from 4 million in the mid-1960s to 1.1 million in 2016. Men are also less likely to go to church or volunteer than women. And in one Wisconsin town I visited, the old taverns where guys gathered after the factory whistle blew are no more.
Men generally have more trouble making friends than women, and male friends are less likely to be confidants than beer buddies or guys they meet up with on basketball or racquetball courts. Without close friends or strong real-life social networks, and fewer ties to their children, these men “can go down the rabbit’s hole without anyone even noticing,” Pierre Azzam, a University of Pittsburg psychiatrist, said.
One man told me: “I am 42 years old and have no friends. I feel this makes me less attractive to the opposite sex and more likely to grow into a crazy old man.”
For some men, rejection can lead to misogyny. While women tend to feel sad about being isolated, male unhappiness is more often expressed as irritability and anger.
Even married men, when asked, “Who’s your best friend?” typically say, “my wife.” By contrast, women — who often take trips with longtime girlfriends, join book clubs and talk on the phone with each other — often name another woman. “Check the family calendar on the refrigerator,” David Figura of the Good Men Project said. “All the kids’ activities and the wife’s book club and the next girlfriend getaway are written down — and there’s nothing for you.”
For many men, their kids aren’t even a big part of their lives. With high levels of non-marital childbearing or divorce, together with the greater likelihood that mothers have custody of children, unmarried fathers are considerably less likely to live with their children or see them as often as they would like.
Bringing these guys back in from the cold is no easy task.
A good start would be to cast aside old masculine ideas that a real man shouldn’t express feelings. Another would be to make national service — civilian or military — mandatory, which would instill social skills and create bonds leading to lifelong friendships for men and women. Employers could do more to build camaraderie at work.
The Elks and Moose single-sex groups may not be hip, but don’t we have the creativity to develop new organisations where men can connect with other men? And bringing fathers back into their children’s lives would make millions of men and children happier.
Such actions aren’t just feel good measures; loneliness is deadly. It’s associated with anger, depression and rising male suicide rates, but also heart disease, obesity, chronic diseases and a higher risk of dementia. It is also more likely to lead to early death than smoking 15 cigarettes a day, one researcher found.
So men, speak up if you’re hurting, and we’ll do our best to listen.
Tribune News Service
Posted by Joyce Kavitsky at 12/28/2018 03:38:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 17, 2018
Immigrants and Disease By Walter E. Williams
August 29, 2018
The Immigration and Nationality Act mandates that all immigrants and refugees undergo a medical screening examination to determine whether they have an inadmissible health condition. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has technical instructions for medical examination of prospective immigrants in their home countries before they are permitted to enter the U.S. They are screened for communicable and infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, malaria, hepatitis, polio, measles, mumps and HIV. They are also tested for syphilis, gonorrhea and other sexually transmitted diseases. The CDC also has medical screening guidelines for refugees. These screenings are usually performed 30 to 90 days after refugees arrive in the United States.
But what about people who enter our country illegally? The CDC specifically cites the possibility of the cross-border movement of HIV, measles, pertussis, rubella, rabies, hepatitis A, influenza, tuberculosis, shigellosis and syphilis. Chris Cabrera, a Border Patrol agent in South Texas, warned: "What's coming over into the U.S. could harm everyone. We are starting to see scabies, chickenpox, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections and different viruses." Some of the youngsters illegally entering our country are known to be carrying lice and suffering from various illnesses. Because there have been no medical examinations of undocumented immigrants, we have no idea how many are carrying infectious diseases that might endanger American children when these immigrants enter schools across our nation.
According to the CDC, in most industrialized countries, the number of cases of tuberculosis and the number of deaths caused by TB steadily declined during the 100 years prior to the mid-1980s. Since the '80s, immigrants have reversed this downward trend in countries that have had substantial levels of immigration from areas where the disease is prevalent. In 2002, the CDC said: "Today, the proportion of immigrants among persons reported as having TB exceeds 50 percent in several European countries, including Denmark, Israel, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland. A similar proportion has been predicted for the United States" ( The number of active TB cases among American-born citizens declined from an estimated 17,725 in 1986 to 3,201 in 2015. That was an 80 percent drop. Data reported to the National Tuberculosis Surveillance System show that the TB incidence among foreign-born people in the United States (15.1 cases per 100,000) is approximately 13 times the incidence among U.S.-born people (1.2 cases per 100,000). Those statistics refer to immigrants who are legally in the U.S. There is no way for us to know the incidence of tuberculosis and other diseases carried by those who are in our country illegally and hence not subject to medical examination.
This public health issue is ignored by all those Americans championing sanctuary cities. The public health issue is also ignored by Americans clamoring for open borders, and that includes many of my libertarian friends. By the way, in the late 19th century and early 20th century, when masses of European immigrants were trying to enter our country, those with dangerous diseases were turned back from Ellis Island. Americans hadn't "progressed" to the point of thinking that anyone in the world has a legal right to live in America. Neither did they think that it was cruel or racist to take measures to prevent our fellow Americans from catching diseases from foreigners.
But aside from diseases, there is the greater threat of welcoming to our shores people who have utter contempt for Western values and want to import anti-Western values to our country, such as genital mutilation, honor killings and the oppression of women. Many libertarian types make the argument that we would benefit from open borders when it comes to both people and goods. That vision ignores the important fact that when we import, say, tomatoes from Mexico, as opposed to people, to the U.S., they are not going to demand that we supply them with welfare benefits.
The bottom line is that we Americans have a right to decide who enters our country and under what conditions. If we forgo that right, we cease to be a sovereign nation. But that may not be important to some Americans.
Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University. To find out more about Walter E. Williams and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate webpage at
Health Screening Is Yet Another Benefit to Keeping the Caravan in Tijuana By Andrew R. Arthur
Source: 29, 2018
In my last post, I detailed the benefits of keeping the caravan of over 5,000 migrants, mostly from Central American countries, in Tijuana. Recent news brings a new one: health concerns amongst that group.
On November 29, 2018, Fox News reported, as its headline states: "One-third of migrants in caravan are being treated for health issues, Tijuana health official says". That article begins with a shocking claim: "Migrants who came with the caravan are suffering from respiratory infections, tuberculosis, chickenpox and other serious health issues, Tijuana's Health Department warned on Thursday morning."
Specifically, Fox News indicates that the health department spokesman stated that out of the 6,000 migrants who were in the city of Tijuana, "over a third of them (2,267) are being treated for health-related issues," including "three confirmed cases of tuberculosis, four cases of HIV/AIDS and four separate cases of chickenpox." In addition, more than 100 of those individuals have lice, and several have skin infections. While this is shocking, it is also somewhat unsurprising.
This particular caravan originated in Honduras, although not all of the migrants are Honduran. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) provides a webpage captioned: "Health Information for Travelers to Honduras, Clinician View". Among the vaccinations that CDC recommends travelers to Honduras obtain before leaving for that trip are Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, rabies (particularly for children and outdoor explorers), and typhoid (especially for those travelers staying with friends and relatives, and visiting villages and rural areas where travelers could be exposed through food or water, as well as unspecified travelers "prone to 'adventurous eating'").
As I noted in a November 26 post:
Not to be too basic about the whole thing, but our immigration system is premised on the idea that foreign nationals are to be prescreened abroad, and that those who are eligible are given visas (either nonimmigrant or immigrant) to enter the United States if they are not otherwise inadmissible.
After that prescreening, they are screened again by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers before they are allowed into the United States. This two-level screening process ensures that aliens who are admitted to the United States are coming here for the purpose that they claim, that they are able to support themselves in this country, that they are not criminals, and that they do not pose a danger to the people of the United States (both citizens and nationals of the United States and other aliens lawfully admitted), among other grounds. People who claim that the immigration system is "broken" usually don't understand this process, or simply ignore it.
That is the rule, and it explains the expedited removal process well. If you want to come to the United States, get a visa and enter legally. If you fail to do so, Congress has stated, you should be removed as quickly as possible.
I failed to note in that post the first ground of inadmissibility to the United States: "health-related grounds" under section 212(a)(1)(A)of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). That provision states, in pertinent part:
Any alien—
(i) who is determined (in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services) to have a communicable disease of public health significance;
(ii) except as provided in subparagraph (C), who seeks admission as an immigrant, or who seeks adjustment of status to the status of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence, and who has failed to present documentation of having received vaccination against vaccine-preventable diseases, which shall include at least the following diseases: mumps, measles, rubella, polio, tetanus and diphtheria toxoids, pertussis, influenza type B and hepatitis B, and any other vaccinations against vaccine-preventable diseases recommended by the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices,
(iii) who is determined (in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services in consultation with the Attorney General)—
(I) to have a physical or mental disorder and behavior associated with the disorder that may pose, or has posed, a threat to the property, safety, or welfare of the alien or others, or
(II) to have had a physical or mental disorder and a history of behavior associated with the disorder, which behavior has posed a threat to the property, safety, or welfare of the alien or others and which behavior is likely to recur or to lead to other harmful behavior, or
(iv) who is determined (in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services) to be a drug abuser or addict, is inadmissible.
The referenced exception relates to adopted children 10 years of age or younger, and there is a waiver of these grounds in section 212(g) of the INA. Again, that waiver is generally sought through the visa and admissions process.
This is not some novel ground of inadmissibility promulgated by the Trump administration. As the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Policy Manual states:
Public health concerns have been reflected in U.S. immigration law since the Immigration Act of 1882. Among others, "persons suffering from a loathsome or a dangerous contagious disease" were not allowed to enter the United States.
Or, to put it in more popular terms, this was the ground for which young Vito Corleone was detained upon his arrival in the United States in 1901 in The Godfather Part II, as the University of Michigan helpfully points out in its "The Godfather Timeline Expanded Summary", which states: "At Ellis Island Vito's name is officially changed to Vito Corleone. He is quarantined for three months because he has small pox."
Plainly, treating the caravan migrants for their various diseases and ailments puts a strain on Mexican government authorities, but at least it puts in place a screening process for those third-country nationals before they come to the United States. The cost of care also provides an incentive for the Mexican government to enforce its own southern border.
This latter point is not meant to be flippant or dismissive. It has been my experience that transit countries generally act in their own interest as it relates to third-country nationals who are passing through their territory, and Mexico is no different.
Moreover, Mexico's enforcement of its southern border will have an additional benefit as it relates to both that country and potential migrants: It will limit corruption and protect the migrants' safety. In an October 25, 2018, post captioned "An Incredibly Violent Journey to the United States, The perils of illegal immigration", I talked about a "report ... by Doctors Without Borders (commonly known by its French acronym "MSF") ... captioned 'Forced to Flee Central America's Northern Triangle: A Neglected Humanitarian Crisis'.
Among the findings I referenced was the following:
MSF patients reported that the perpetrators of violence included members of gangs and other criminal organizations, as well as members of the Mexican security forces responsible for their protection.
[Emphasis added.]
Deterring aliens from undertaking the risky journey through Mexico by Mexican border enforcement will prevent the harms that MSF report describes, and remove incentives for Mexican security forces to engage in abuses.
It will also reduce the number of aliens claiming credible fear in the United States.
One-third of migrants in caravan are being treated for health issues, Tijuana health official says
Source: Lukas Mikelionis, Griff Jenkins | Fox News
Migrants who came with the caravan are suffering from respiratory infections, tuberculosis, chickenpox and other serious health issues, Tijuana's Health Department warned on Thursday morning.
The spokesman told Fox News that out of 6,000 migrants currently residing in the city, over a third of them (2,267) are being treated for health-related issues.
There are three confirmed cases of tuberculosis, four cases of HIV/AIDS and four separate cases of chickenpox, the spokesman said.
At least 101 migrants have lice and multiple instances of skin infections, the department’s data shows.
There’s also a threat of Hepatitis outbreak due to unsanitary conditions, the spokesman said. The thousands of migrants are being sheltered at the Benito Juarez Sports Complex near the San Ysidro U.S.-Mexico Port of Entry, despite the place being capable of providing for 1,000 people.
The location also has only 35 portable bathrooms. A sign reading “No Spitting” was put up, as coughing and spitting by migrants are rampant in the shelter.
Tijuana Mayor Juan Manuel Gastelum said Tuesday that the city has enough money to assist the migrants only for a few more days, with the city saying it’s spending around $30,000 a day.
“We won’t compromise the resources of the residents of Tijuana,” Gastelum said during a press conference. “We won’t raise taxes tomorrow to pay for today’s problem.”
Amid the problems and dire living conditions, some migrants are reportedly self-deporting. Approximately 80 self-deported Tuesday while another 98 were deported by Mexican immigration officials for their involvement in Sunday’s demonstrations that turned violent.
Others have chosen to accept offers of temporary work and asylum from Mexico, yet most still remain committed to entering the U.S.
Fox News’ Greg Norman contributed to this report.
The Caravan Is A Threat To Americans In More Ways Than One By Dr. Nan Hayworth
Source: 10, 2018
Among the many humanitarian concerns raised by the caravan attempting to cross our southern border is one that poses an alarming risk to the health of our communities: many caravaners have serious illnesses, including communicable diseases.
As a physician who served as a Member of Congress, I know how important it is to take this troubling fact into account as President Trump works with Congress to resolve the current crisis and to address the glaring deficiencies in our immigration policy. When those determined to oppose the President ignore or minimize public-health risks, they hurt not only Americans, but also the caravaners themselves.
When Democrats and media commentators deride the enforcement of our immigration laws and border integrity as “racist,” they’re not only being dishonest, but also irresponsible. A Tijuana Health Department official recently told Fox News that 2,267 of the 6,000 caravaners are suffering from serious health issues, including four confirmed cases of HIV/AIDS; four cases of chickenpox; three cases of tuberculosis; and more than 100 skin infections and lice infestations.
Identifying and addressing health hazards is neither controversial or dehumanizing; in fact, it’s already required by law, and rightly so, for anyone seeking to immigrate to the United States to undergo evaluation to ensure they’re not exposing Americans to communicable diseases.
Sadly, the alarming health conditions within the caravan aren’t surprising.
Honduras, the birthplace of the current caravan, struggles to deal with an array of illnesses so dangerous that our own Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises prospective travelers to undergo multiple precautionary vaccinations before visiting the country.
Allowing caravaners with serious illnesses to enter the United States without the health certification required of those who seek to immigrate legally will expose Americans to disease risks from which our laws have been designed to protect them.
Beyond that sensible and lifesaving precaution, we must also, reasonably and rationally, take into account the cost of providing healthcare to thousands of people when our infrastructure is already strained. A 2018 report for Forbes prepared by Chris Conover, a scholar at Duke University’s Center for Health Policy and Inequalities Research, explains that Americans “cross-subsidize health care for unauthorized immigrants to the tune of $18.5 billion a year.”
Aside from the glaring fact that the Democrats’ signature healthcare law, Obamacare, has already added to the burdens on all of us who pay higher taxes and health-insurance premiums for our own medical care–shouldn’t we be devoting that $18.5 billion a year to assure that our veterans who’ve been neglected by the Veterans Administration, that President Trump’s working hard to reform, receive the care they’ve earned and deserve?
Democrats claim to care about aspiring immigrants, but taking a thoughtless approach to what should be an orderly process is actually a callous and cynical dereliction of responsibility to everyone involved:
–the caravaners who journey hundreds of miles on foot under perilous conditions;
–the communities in Mexico forced to harbor thousands of sick and desperate people who don’t belong there;
–the communities in the United States put at risk by those who enter illegally; –and all the Americans, like our veterans, who desperately need the resources that would be consumed in housing, feeding, educating, and providing for the short- and long-term needs of today’s caravaners as well as those who will be encouraged by their “success” to follow them in future.
True compassion requires that we fix our broken immigration system. We need laws, infrastructure, and processes that will allow aspiring migrants to enter our country in a fair and orderly way, and that will allow for the needs of Americans, rightly, to take priority.
President Trump understands this—but, as conscientious as he’s been, he can’t solve these problems on his own. Congress must act. The health and safety of our communities, and of those beyond our borders, depend on it.
Dr. Nan Hayworth is an ophthalmologist and former Congresswoman for New York’s 19th congressional district.
Posted by Joyce Kavitsky at 12/17/2018 10:05:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Illegal Alien Crisis
Monday, December 03, 2018
Conservatism Isn’t Dead Yet: The great contradiction is between what liberals claim to believe and the way they live their own lives. By Bobby Jindal
Nov. 25, 2018
The paladins of political correctness continue to enforce prohibitions on taboo ideas on campus, in the workplace and in the national conversation. Thankfully, many brave and vocal conservatives remain willing to question conventional wisdom. For the remainder, a little hypocrisy can work wonders as they seek to reconcile radical liberal orthodoxy with their own observations and experiences. These conservatives, looking to survive, increasingly opt to “talk left” and “live right.”
Liberals rail against supposedly rampant structural inequalities, and cite disparate impacts as proof of inherent racism and sexism. Women and minorities are broadly disadvantaged, according to this perspective, due to the evils of “white privilege.” Structural bias counts more than individual effort, so that neither success nor failure is truly earned.
Yet, in red and blue states, parents warn their children not to blame their teacher for a bad grade, coaches counsel players not to blame the referee for a loss, and employees know that a bad boss is no excuse for shoddy work. There’s a reason Americans continue to flock to rags-to-riches stories and the ideal of the American dream in popular culture. Personal responsibility and effort aren’t substitutes for rigorous enforcement of antidiscrimination statutes, but the claim that economic outcomes are socially predetermined contradicts most people’s real-world experience and can sometimes become self-fulfilling.
Liberals embrace multiculturalism, claiming all cultures are at least morally and practically equivalent, while they also denigrate Western culture as intrinsically tied to a history of slavery and colonialism. College campuses are filled with students and professors arguing that America is the greatest threat to world peace and development. Yet despite the West’s imperfections, modern liberal democracy still offers the best governing system on earth to promote freedom and human dignity. Few women would willingly trade its equality for the female genital mutilations, child marriage, sex-selective abortions and other gender-based injustices found in other societies. Even a Churchillian acknowledgment from the left that American culture is the least-bad choice would be progress.
Liberals have championed the sexual revolution to overturn traditional mores around ethics and marriage, and to promote freedom from restraint as the ultimate sexual—though not economic—good. Pursuing pleasure and abandoning restraint make for popular bumper stickers, song lyrics and movie plots. Yet the benefits of monogamy and fidelity, for both adults and the children they bring into the world, have been demonstrated repeatedly.
Marriage and intact families are correlated with higher incomes, stronger economic growth, upward mobility, higher workforce-participation rates, decreased child poverty and lower dropout rates. Indeed, marriage is most common and more enduring among affluent, educated Americans. Liberal elites would rather folks do as they say, rather than as they do.
Liberals criticize free-market capitalism as the cause of persistent inequality and environmental degradation. They see it as inferior to gentler, more-socialist economic systems. Democrats, and frankly many Republicans, no longer pretend the “era of big government is over,” and instead are competing to see who can expand government spending and regulation the fastest, starting with health care.
But capitalism has helped hundreds of millions of people across the world escape poverty. Democratic Party benefactors like George Soros and Michael Bloomberg made large fortunes as capitalists. Now that they’ve crossed the river of opportunity to the prosperous side, they want to blow up the bridge behind them. This is the ultimate hypocrisy.
Cognitive dissonance, mental agility, nuance, sophistication and other fancy terms describe the dilemma facing liberal students over whether to “believe their lying eyes” or their liberal professors. The left’s effort to shut down free and open debate and banish people with opposing views is a tacit admission that they lack confidence in their own arguments.
Conservatives are often described as underrepresented and under siege on college campuses and in newsrooms. Even as professors and students continue to be disproportionately liberal, conservatives should take comfort that their ideals concerning free markets, the American dream, the traditional family structure and liberal democracy continue to prove themselves on their merits to each rising generation.
Mr. Jindal served as governor of Louisiana, 2008-16, and was a candidate for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination.
Posted by Joyce Kavitsky at 12/03/2018 11:12:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Bobby Jindal of Louisiana
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Voting Machine Style That Should Be Across The United States!
How to use a voting machine - how a voting machine works
Source: really is no mystery to the "new" voting machines. If you have voted before by "flipping levers", you can certainly vote by "Pressing the Touch Pad". The Big Red Lever that some machines used to open and close the curtain is gone. Now, you simply make your selections and then "Press the Square Red Button" on the right, and you are done. (You then walk out through the curtain.
For anyone that needs a refresher or is new, lets take a tour of a voting machine with Ocean County Clerk Dean Haines.
Here we see County Clerk Haines with a new electronic voting machine. (for long time voters you will notice the absence of the BIG red handle we used to push and pull to get in and out and to cast our vote). Now we push a red button when we are done. More on that below.
The machine is basically set up the same as before, but with a few modern features.
Above: County Clerk Haines points to the candidate selection area. No more little levers to flip. Now we simply press the square button (ballot position is written in it,) to the right of our selected candidates name. A green light comes on to indicate we have made a selection. If you change your mind or make a mistake, just press it again and the green light goes out, then make another selection. Do this for each Office Title you are voting on.
You will also vote for Public Question in this way, by pressing the square box next to the "Yes" or "No" for each question.
Above: Close up of Ballot Positions.
Instructions are also printed (below County Clerk Haines's hand) in case you forget what to do.
we see a picture of the Sample Ballot you should have received in the mail before the election date. Hey! It looks just like the inside of the voting machine. They really make this easy.
By the
way, it's a really good idea to read all the Public Questions way before Election Day so you know what you are voting for before you step through the curtain.
Hey! What happened to the pencil and write in spot? It's been replaced by this simple to use key pad. Just go to the Personal Choice column and press the button next to WRITE-IN, then using the key pad enter the name of the person one letter at a time. Read your sample ballot for instructions on making a space or erasing, etc.
County Clerk Haines points to the one button that you cannot change your mind on. Once pressed, your VOTE is cast!
Here we go! After you are satisfied with your selections, PRESS the RED Button! The machine will make a sound and you are done. Your civic duty discharged, simply walk out through the curtain.
This is what a voting machine looks like from the outside. What's that? You say you can't see anything! Off course not, that's the point. Only you know who you are voting for.
By the way the rule is only one person in the booth at a time. (Although there may be certain exceptions like if your helping someone who is blind. Election officials of course know the rules. So if you think you have a special situation call the Board of Elections (732-929-2167) for details before the election so you have a smooth voting experience.
Also be sure to bring Identification with you. If you are "Challenged" at the Polls and can not prove who you are, out the door you go.
Sequoia (Dominion) AVC Advantage
Source: Sequoia AVC Advantage is a poll worker-activated full-face direct recording electronic voting system with a touch-sensitive matrix of switches that voters push to indicate their choices. Voting records are recorded internally to battery-powered RAM. Poll workers activate the machine using an operator panel on the side of the machine to choose the ballot style and voters make choices by touching a black arrow next to their choice. A record of the vote is then recorded internally to three sets of battery-powered RAM memory. The primary input device used by the voter is a large panel, containing a two-dimensional array of buttons and lights. This panel is covered by a sheet of paper on which contests and candidate names are printed. Markings on the paper are placed over the buttons that are to be pressed for the corresponding candidates; the lights on the panel, when lit, are visible shining through the paper. On the side of the machine, an “operator panel” contains additional buttons and an LCD alphanumeric display with two rows of 24 characters each. During an election, before each voter can vote, a pollworker must press a button on the operator panel to “activate” the machine to accept votes.
The DRE ballot is laid out so that, to the layman, there is an intuitive connection between the candidate’s name (shown on a printed ballot sheet) and the input device (a button behind a sheet of plastic). In the hardware of the voting machine, however, there is no direct connection between the button and the vote counter. Observing the click of a button and accumulating a corresponding candidate total is totally under software control. Since there is no inherent internal connection between the buttons and the totals kept in memory and reported at the end of the election, erroneous or malfeasant software can readily add to the wrong total or make some other error at any time during an election, thereby misrecording votes. Even though the software produces a so-called “audit trail” of the results, it can always display an “audit trial” consistent with its fraudulent results, and report that it has performed correctly.
At the close of the polls, the AVC Advantage communicates vote totals to election officials and to the public: it prints a paper printout of candidate totals, it writes these totals (along with a record of the votes cast in each ballot, the “ballot image”) to a Results Cartridge, about the size of a VCR tape, that is then removed from the voting machine. Finally, it keeps these totals (with the ballot images) in its internal memory. Election workers can extract this information from the AVC Advantage by using the menu buttons on the Operator Panel: the machine can be instructed to print the internally stored data onto its printer, or copy it to a fresh cartridge.1
Voting Process: The voter enters the polling place and is given a voting ticket after confirming that the voter is registered. The voting ticket is a colored piece of paper with two identical and unique numbers. The voter hands their ticket to a poll worker operating an Advantage voting machine and then tears the voting ticket in half and hands one half back to the voter. The poll worker uses an operator’s panel on the side of the machine to choose the ballot style appropriate for that voter depending on the color of their voting ticket. The voter enters the curtains (see picture above) and verifies that their ballot is the right one by comparing the color of their ticket to a LCD screen in the lower-right corner of the front of the voting machine. Then the voter votes by pressing a black arrow next to each choice in each race on the ballot. Blinking lights above each race indicate that no choice has been made in that race. If the voter tries to choose more than one choice in a given race (over-voting), the machine will ignore the second choice. To change a selection, voter can press the black arrow by the incorrect choice to deselect it, then select the correct choice.
When done voting, the voter presses a “Cast Vote” button in the lower-right corner of the voting machine. It is very important that the voter does not push the vote-casting button until they are done voting; a vote inadvertently cast can likely not be redone. The vote is recorded internally to three sets of battery-powered RAM, one of which is on a removable cartridge. The vote records are stored in a manner similar to a ballot image.
When the polls close, poll workers remove cartridges of battery-powered RAM containing the vote records from each machine. At this point, depending on local election procedure and regulations, the cartridges can either be physically transported to a tabulation facility or their data can be sent over a modem. At the tabulation facility, the votes from all cartridges and precincts are read into vote tabulation databases and combined to result in an aggregate vote tally. In order to send vote records over a modem, a cartridge reader must read out each cartridge and then a modem in the cartridge reader can be used to transmit the votes over telephone lines. The cartridge reader can also print out a results tape of all votes cast in a precinct. The total tape and cartridges can then become part of the official record of the election.
A Voting Demo from Bergen County NJ
A Video about the AVC Advantage from NJTodayOnline:
Security Concerns
Security Seals Ideally, the Advantage’s exposed ports, memory card access areas and case seams would be covered with tamper-evident security seals. The integrity of these seals should be maintained at all times, and only breached under controlled, explained circumstances. Seals should be logged to maintain chain of custody of sensitive materials.
Broken Buttons, Broken Lights As mentioned above the Advantage is a “buttonmatrix” DRE where the voter presses a button over which the machine’s paper ballot face is placed (under a plastic cover). A light lights up next to each selection by the voter. These buttons and lights, especially the frequently used ones in Federal races, can break or burn-out. If you see evidence of this – e.g., a light not lighting up after multiple button presses – you should request that the machine be pulled from service or that the button in question be serviced.
Fleeing Voters/Premature Voting Some voters can be easily confused in that they press the vote button too early or not at all. If a voter complains that they only were able to vote on the first few races, they probably pressed the vote button before they were finished voting their ballot. Unfortunately, there’s not much to be done here other than emphasize that voters should make sure that they press the vote button only after they are certain they have voted as they want to in all races on the ballot. If a voter neglects to press the vote button and leaves a valid ballot on the machine, poll workers will probably have procedures to deal with this problem. We recommend that a poll worker reach in between the curtains and simply cast this vote.
Incorrect Ballot Style The Advantage can accommodate a number of different ballots, for different precincts, by disallowing voters to vote in contests for which they are not eligible. If a voter complains that their party (in a primary) races are not activated or that local races specific to their precinct are not activated, the poll worker probably pushed the incorrect ballot style option. The poll worker should cancel that ballot and activate the correct one.
Incorrect Totals Tapes The Advantage has been shown to incorrectly add up the number of voters given a particular ballot style when compared to the number of votes cast.
Sensitive Disability Access Panel The disability access panel on the Advantage is particularly sensitive. Viruses and other malicious programs, including some that could change vote data, could easily be introduced through the ADA accessibility interface. The flash memory used for audio files to accommodate voters with visual impairment should be sealed with tamper-evident seals and monitored at all times.
Misleading Activation When the Advantage is not activated to vote a valid ballot, it will still go through the motions in a way that will confuse voters into
thinking that they ballot was cast. It even goes as far as to say, “Vote recorded — thank you!”, despite the fact that it couldn’t have recorded the ballot since it was not activated to do so.
The Sequoia AVC Advantage was introduced in 1990. James Bleck led the design team that led design patents on the machine in 1988.[94,95] Sequoia had purchased the voting machine division of AVM Corporation in 1984 and acquired not only a portfolio of patents for electronic voting machines, but also the AVM Automatic Voting Computer, a machine that had been certified for use in New Jersey and Pennsylvania in 1982. The machine appears to have been based on AVM’s final patent for an electronic voting machine, granted to Thomas De Phillipo in 1977, and is an obvious predecessor of the Sequoia AVC Advantage. None of the AVM patents demonstrates the sophistication in physical design of the AVC Advantage.
Make/Model: Sequoia AVC Advantage
Equipment Type: DRE-Pushbutton
VVPAT Capability: None
AVC Advantage Use in 2016: Statewide in Louisiana, 18 counties in New Jersey, 2 counties Pennsylvania and 4 localities in Virginia.
1800 Glenarm Place, Suite 500
Denver, CO 80202
(866) 654-VOTE (8683)
Sequoia was involved with voting systems for more than 100 years. At the end of the 19th century, Sequoia invented the lever-action mechanical voting system. Many machines of this type are still used today in some U.S. jurisdictions. In the 1980s Sequoia was bought by Jefferson Smurfit, an Irish printing conglomerate which in turn sold it to De La Rue, a British currency paper printing and security company. After losing money for several years, on March 8, 2005, Sequoia was acquired by Smartmatic, a multi-national technology company which had developed advanced election systems, voting machines included. In November 2007, following a verdict by the CFIUS, Smartmatic was ordered to sell Sequoia, which it did to its Sequoia managers having U.S. citizenship. Sequoia Voting Systems was acquired by Denver-based Dominion Voting Systems on June 4, 2010.
2. Hand your voting ticket to the poll-worker at the Advantage booth. The poll-worker will tear the voting ticket in half (hence the two identical numbers), hand back one half to you and use the other to determine the appropriate ballot (based on party affiliation) to display to the voter via a control panel on the back of the unit.
3. After verifying that you've received the correct ballot (match your ticket color against the one in the lower-right corner of the screen).
4. Make your candidate selections by pressing the black arrow next to each choice, press the arrow again to deselect. The blinking light above a race means you still have voting to do.
5. When you've made your selections, press the Cast Vote button. Do not push this button early! You likely will not be able to recast your vote!
Posted by Joyce Kavitsky at 11/15/2018 07:49:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: New Jersey
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Dennis Miller on 2020: ‘Why not Pelosi? What does it say about the Dems that they haven’t foisted her up?’ By Brian Flood
November 9, 2018
Dennis Miller said comedians often miss the funny on the road to decrying President Trump.
Dennis Miller obviously missed the memo that went out telling comedians to lecture audiences, hate on President Trump and stop being funny. Fox News caught up with the irreverant and erudite funnyman to get his thoughts on everything from his dream 2020 Democratic ticket to why late-night comedians will help Trump stick around the White House for another six years.
On who he would prefer the Democrats put up against President Trump in 2020:
“I think the Democratic candidate should be Michael Avenatti. Unless it’s Pelosi. Put Pelosi in the one slot and Avenatti in the two-hole and I think that’s your dream ticket. They currently represent the Democratic Party. I would do that right now. Pelosi seems to have a way of rising back up to the top. My wife pointed out to me that Pelosi has staying power. Maybe it’s time to reward her with the big job. I think the Dems would very happily go into 2020 with Pelosi as the presidential nominee and Avenatti in the two slot. It would be fitting. It’s the year of the woman. Why not Pelosi? What does it say about the Dems that they haven’t foisted her up?
On Trump’s recent tweet supporting Pelosi for House Speaker:
“What I just did was sarcasm. What he did was try to be conciliatory. You realize every morning, he wakes up and they say he’s insane. They say he is a bad man. Even if he gets up the next day and goes way out of his way to say congrats to Nancy Pelosi… that will tell you how far gone it is, that some people are going to walk away from that statement and say, ‘That’s very hateful of him.”
On whether or not President Trump is good for comedians:
I think comedians have just had to take sides and I understand for some of them it’s tactical. For some of them, it’s been career changing, quite frankly. I don’t think it really impinges on comedy because, I’d say 99 percent of the comedians [oppose Trump]… So has Trump been good for comedians? Yeah, I guess, but it’s sort of preachy comedy. It’s not the sort of comedy that gets a big belly laugh as much as it gets a wizened nod. If the joke is, quote unquote hilarious it’ll receive applause. It’s been good for comedians tactically, career-wise, but do they sometimes miss the funny on the road to decrying Trump? Yeah, I think so.”
On whether or not “Saturday Night Live” comedian Pete Davidson crossed the line by mocking Dan Crenshaw, a now-elected Republican congressman, who lost an eye while serving in the U.S. military:
“Oh, I don’t know. Dan Crenshaw seems to have taken care of that. Pete Davidson can do what he wants, and the other cat can do what he wants… he got elected. Crenshaw acting like a mensch was probably, well, I wouldn’t even say a smart move because it wasn’t a move. I think it’s because he’s a mensch. One of those two is menschy, I’ll let you figure out who I think it is.”
On why late-night comedians will help Trump win re-election:
“You cannot just roll up a newspaper and smack somebody on the snout non-stop and tell them how bad they are, how racist they are. You just can’t do it. It’s not paying big dividends and I think they’re going to misinterpreted [Democrats taking control of the House], which is more about historical structure. I think they’re going to go full-speed ahead and take that center of the map, and on the margin of the old map makers who would point to an unknown place and say, ‘There will be dragons,’ I think they’re going to point to Middle America and say, ‘There will be dragons.’ Somebody ought to get out there and cruise around a little to see that everybody out there is not stupid. We’re not all racists. We’re not all idiots. We’re just people.”
Miller on his latest comedy special “Dennis Miller: Fake News – Real Jokes”:
“It seems like a good, hooky title right now, at this time in history, if not this time in the calendar year. It does have some jokes about media, social media and politics but it is probably 60/40 flat-out funny stuff. I put the title in there to insinuate that there would be some topical content, but also the main directive for the special is, as is the age-old task of a comedian, to get some laughs.”
“Dennis Miller: Fake News – Real Jokes” launched Nov. 6 through the Comedy Dynamics Network. It can be found on Amazon, iTunes, Steam, Google Play as well as all other major platforms. Miller also hosts a twice-weekly podcast, “The Dennis Miller Option,” which is available on both and iTunes.
Brian Flood covers the media for Fox News. Follow him on Twitter at @briansflood.
Posted by Joyce Kavitsky at 11/10/2018 10:12:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Anit Berger Killed in Port Hueneme DUI Car Crash on West Channel Islands Boulevard
by Bond & Taylor Dan
Anit Bergher Killed in Port Hueneme DUI Car Crash on West Channel Islands Boulevard
1 Dead in Port Hueneme Car Accident
PORT HUENEME, CA (October 22, 2018) – A woman who died in a DUI car collision on October 17 has now been identified by police.
The Ventura County Medical Examiner’s Office identified the deceased as 29-year-old Anit Bergher of Oxnard.
The deadly collision was reported at around 9:57 p.m. in the 600 block of West Channel Islands Boulevard.
The Port Hueneme Police Department revealed that 24-year-old Jose Garcia Rodriguez of Oxnard was driving a Chevy Malibu westbound on the boulevard at a speed when he failed to stop at a stop sign and crashed into a Hyundai Accent driven by a man, which was making a turn into the Mandalay Village Marketplace.
The driver of the Hyundai and Bergher, who was a passenger in the vehicle, were transported to Ventura County Medical Center with major injuries. Bergher later died due to her injuries.
Meanwhile, Rodriguez and three of his passengers sustained d minor injuries and received treatment at the area.
Rodriguez was later detained on suspicion of DUI and driving without a license.
The crash remains under investigation.
Our law firm sends out our heartfelt sympathies to the friends and family of Anit Bergher who are grieving over the loss of their loved one.
Anit Berger a tragedy to the Jewish Pico Community
Source: year an a half ago I was in Southern California on a mission to speak to different groups about my experience in the IDF as a lone soldier. After me and my group had spoken to all different groups I had the privilege to spend Shabbat at the Pico Shul.
It was a wonderful Shabbat experience where I was hosted by a nice fellow who I still keep in contact with and ate at a nice couple who had been living in the area for years.
During Saturday morning after prayers there was an enormous Kiddush with a lot of very healthy salads California style.
As I waited in line I realized there was a young lady who spoke Hebrew and being an Israeli myself I had a little conversation.
She told me how she was living in Los Angeles to make her way up the entertainment industry and I told her how I am an Israeli by choice and joined the IDF a few years ago and was in Southern California to speak at several venues about my experience in the army.
I was surprised this morning when I woke up at five in the morning and checked my Facebook I saw Rabbi Yonah doing a memorial service for Anit Berger.
I was in shook to know that she was no longer with us in the world. I may have only spoke to her for a few minutes, but within those few minutes I could tell there was something special about her.
A lot of different people who knew her took the podium and started talking about how she was trying to become more Shabbat observant.
Another speaker said she and her husband were living on a boat and were trying to figure out how the world would direct them. Due to the fact her parents reside in Israel he had to call the parents to inform them she was killed in a car accident.
Another speaker talked about how Anit was interested in gathering support of many celebrities to help people in need all over the world to help repair the world which was her ultimate goal.
I checked the Israeli news sites to see if there was any information about what happened to Anit because she was a very well known actress and model in Israel best known for her role in the second season of the 80s TV show.
According to Walla, ” The actress and model ship Berger was killed in a car accident in Los Angeles and was 29 years old. Berger was injured in an accident that occurred a few days ago. She struggled for her life for several days but eventually succumbed to her wounds at night and would be transferred for burial in Haifa. Berger played in the second season of ‘ 80s.”
The article in Walla continued by quoting her husband Bret Joshua saying how it was a great privilege to have been married to her and mentioned how she was committed to both the Jewish community and the willingness to help the poor and needy.
On her Instagram Anit was seen with many celebrities like Jason Alexander, Will Smith and Robert DeNiro at charity events.
She even made an incredible video on YouTube which was filmed in Venice beach which shows her flying on a broom throughout Venice beach.
To do that video must have taken a lot of time and energy and it was very impressive to watch how she managed to do it with a simple go-pro camera and a simple editing software.
Anit was a very special and talented person who unfortunately had her life cut short by a car accident.
The Pico Shul has started a memorial fund to help her family the link is here below to help donate every dollar or shekel counts.
May her memory be a blessing
About the Author
Shlomo was born in Florida and moved to Israeli in 2012, he holds a degree from Florida Atlantic University in Political Science, served in the IDF as a combat soldier and is a current reservist in the Golani Brigade.
Funeral and family of Anit Berger
Source: campaign by Leopold Jeramias

This past week, Our beloved friend Anit Berger tragically lost her life in a car accident to a drunk driver.
Anit was always positive and happy no matter the circumstance. All she ever wanted to do was help her mother and help the world. She was the kind of friend that would always send inspirational videos and quotes, and consistently tried to improve herself whether by being Vegan, supporting different charities, or trying to be of service to others.
She loved the arts. She was a true artist. You can watch her Youtube video below to understand how fun and loving she was.
I approached Bret Blumenthal, her husband , in the hospital this week and asked how I could help. We decided to start this GoFundMe for Anit’s mother.
Her mom is not well physically. She lives alone in Israel with no contact from friends or family. Her health has been deteriorating and she works two jobs in order to support herself.
Anit never worried about herself and was always worried about her mom, and her day to day survival. We are raising money so her mom can get through this difficult time, and not worry about her day to day survival, especially without Anit’s constant and tireless intervention. A small portion of the money will also go to Bret (her husband) to get back on his feet and allow him to recover, as he probably wont be able to work for a few months.
The message below is from Bret
“ My Dearest Anit,
You touched more lives than I could have ever imagined. You brought Happiness and light to every corner of darkness. You didn't walk into the room, You were the room.
Your passion for life and each and every one of G-d's Creations, especially your love of the Jewish community was unrivaled.
You were the first to action when somebody needed help, you were the first to give when somebody was in need.
Your dream was to give, give give; to your family, to your community, to those that were poor and suffering.
It's heartbreaking and Heartwarming at the same time to see just how much you were loved and how many lives you touched. It's been overwhelming looking at all the pictures and memories. It was both an honor and a privelege to be your husband. I love you, very, very much. And I miss you.. we ALL miss you. This place will not be the same without your insatiable love of live and adventure.
Thank you all for your kindness, love, comfort, and prayers through this horrible tragedy. Thank You and Bless You All <3
-Bret Joshua Blumenthal
We all know that if Anit had a last will and testament she would say
“Please take care of my mom!”
If she knew her family is ok, she can rest in peace. Thank you for your donations and shares.
Remembering Anit Berger, 29
Source: Steven Mirkin | Oct 24, 2018
The Los Angeles Jewish community was rocked by the tragic death of actress/producer/activist Anit Berger, who died Oct. 18, a day after she was struck in a hit-and-run accident. She was 29.
The Israeli-born actress was remembered at a service on Oct. 21 at the Pico Shul, where friends, family and collaborators recalled a woman who lived not only for herself, but, as Rabbi Yonah Bookstein put it, had “a serial impact on everyone” who came into contact with her. As more than one person noted, Berger put the idea of Tikkun Olam into action every day of her life.
Israeli audiences knew Berger through her role in the hit TV series “The ’80s,” but Bookstein said those who met her — even once — came away impressed not only by her beauty and charisma, but by the “enormous joy” she brought to life, and her “passion to make everything happen.”
Although she had struggled and raised herself since the age of 15, she was dedicated to helping the downtrodden. Pico Shul member and Berger’s friend Marcus J Freed said this was not just a pose, but something she put into practice. In his case, it was Berger showing up in the ICU every day after he suffered a traumatic brain injury after he, too, was struck by a car last year.
Berger made such an indelible impression on people that Shlomo Alerga, a blogger for The Times of Israel, who met her only once at a post-Shabbat Kiddush at Pico Shul, wrote that “within those few minutes I could tell there was something special about her.”
A common thread among the speakers at the memorial was Berger’s indomitable and infectious enthusiasm. She was, her friend Aaron Kemp said, a combination of “a peacock, an alley cat and a holy unicorn who let nothing stand in her way.” She was “a brilliant teacher about life,” who “just had a light about her.”
“Anit was a combination of a peacock, an alley cat and a holy unicorn who let nothing stand in her way.” — Aaron Kemp
Her mother-in-law, Robin Blumenthal, remembered Berger as an amazing soul, and that if people wanted to really honor her life, they should follow her example and “be a giver, a humanitarian, to take each moment and life it to the fullest.” A newlywed, she and her husband Bret Blumenthal lived on a boat, waiting to see where the waters would take them.
Along with her husband, Pico Shul’s Rabbi Bookstein has started a GoFundMe campaign ( to help Berger’s mother, who is in ill health in Israel, and working two jobs to support herself.
Berger’s husband left a message on his wife’s Facebook page; “You touched more lives than I could have ever imagined. You brought Happiness and light to every corner of darkness. You didn’t walk into the room, You were the room. Your passion for life and each and every one of G-d’s Creations, especially your love of the Jewish community was unrivaled. You were the first to action when somebody needed help, you were the first to give when somebody was in need. Your dream was to give, give give; to your family, to your community, to those that were poor and suffering. It’s heartbreaking and Heartwarming at the same time to see just how much you were loved and how many lives you touched. … It was both an honor and a privilege to be your husband. I love you, very, very much. And I miss you. we ALL miss you. This place will not be the same without your insatiable love of live and adventure. … We all know that if Anit had a last will and testament she would say: ‘Please take care of my mom!’ If she knew her family is ok, she can rest in peace.”

Anit and Bret Blumenthal with Joe Laden in Ventura, California. July 31, 2018
Posted by Joyce Kavitsky at 10/24/2018 11:10:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Politickles By F.R. Duplantier
Though for months it has seemed like a dud,
The drip-dropping will soon be a flood,
And the things we will hear
As the midterms draw near:
Dirty Democrats covered in mud!
As investigators make connections,
Dirty Democrats face rejections:
Their poll numbers will slip
As the facts drip, drip –
Right on up to the midterm elections.
I had never the slightest confusion
And came easily to this conclusion,
Needing no one to show me
It was Mueller and Comey
With the Clintons engaged in collusion.
To avoid an erroneous conclusion,
Let’s begin by dispelling confusion:
It was Hillary who took
Russian bribes like a crook,
It was Hillary engaged in collusion.
Equal justice is our paradigm
And applies to commission of crime.
That’s why Comey and Lynch
Should both feel the “pinch”
And Obama and Clinton do time.
[to the tune of Davy Crockett]
Married to the governor of Arkansas,
Saw herself and him as above the law.
How that First Lady would scratch and claw
To get some filthy lucre in her grubby paws!
Hill’ry, Hill’ry Clinton, Queen of the Racketeers!
At Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan,
The McDougals did their best to throw her a bone.
Everyone went to prison, ‘cept Bill and her alone.
“Whitewatergate” is how that scandal’s known.
Hill’ry, Hill’ry Clinton, Queen of the Racketeers!
When she got to the White House, there were scandals galore:
There were Travelgate and Fostergate and umpteen more,
Filegate and Chinagate (with help from Al Gore),
Pardongate and other -gates – who can even keep score?
Hill’ry, Hill’ry Clinton, Queen of the Racketeers!
In the Senate and at State, there was more of the same:
Trading favors for financing has always been her aim.
For disasters like Bengazi, she refused to take the blame,
Emailgate’s the latest and she acts like it’s a game.
Hill’ry, Hill’ry Clinton, Queen of the Racketeers!
She will speak in phony accents ’cause she likes to condescend,
She just uses everybody and has never had a friend,
She deserves to be in prison and that’s where her life should end,
How she expects to be the president is too hard to comprehend.
Hill’ry, Hill’ry Clinton, Queen of the Racketeers!
Posted by Joyce Kavitsky at 9/25/2018 11:30:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
The Left’s inescapable HATE problem: Their hate doesn’t count but YOUR hate should get you banned from everything By Mike Adams
November 19, 2017
(Natural News) The Left has found a whole new weapon to silence conservative voices: “Hate.” The problem is, their hate doesn’t count. Only the hate they selectively designate to be “hate” is punished.
Here’s how the contortion works: Google, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other internet gatekeepers are increasingly banning and censoring users and content by rolling out terms of service that give them justification to silence anyone peddling “hate.” But what is hate, exactly?
According to the Left, “hate” is any criticism of gays, lesbians, transgenders, black people, abortion clinics, Muslims and so on. No thoughtful criticism of such “protected” subjects is allowed, since it’s all deemed to be “hate.”
Yet at the same time, the Left openly encourages and practices its own hatred against a wide range of targets which are automatically deemed to be “okay to hate.” These targets include:
- White people (“white privilege”)
- Men (“toxic masculinity”)
- Christians
- Soldiers and veterans
- Police officers
- President Trump, Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter and other conservatives
- Heterosexuals
- America’s founders
Thus, the Left isn’t actually opposed to hate. They fully support hate as long as it’s directed to specific political enemies. To further pull off this contortion, of course, they make sure their own hatred is never labeled “hate.” Instead, the Left’s HATE is called “diversity.” And diversity, by definition of the Left, excludes people of white skin color. To further the delusion, this exclusion of Whites is labeled “inclusiveness,” while attacks on Christians are labeled “tolerance.”
Left-wing truthism: White people are “dangerous” to everyone
This targeted hatred of the Left is openly repeated across the left-wing news media, Hollywood movies, universities and other outlets. As just one example, an MSNBC panelist recently declared that white men “pose the biggest threat to Americans,” insisting that merely being white makes a person a danger to society. (She apparently has no familiarity with the work of MLK Jr. who correctly declared that judging people by the color of their skin is shallow and stupid.)
This openly racist hatred from the Left is widely encouraged and reinforced by late-night comedy shows, Saturday Night Live, stand-up comedy and other sources of “humor” that are really little more than hatred disguised as comedy. Remember when Johnny Carson ran late-night variety TV? A true classic, Carson was genuinely funny. But today, we get Jimmy Kimmel, a twisted, deranged Leftist who uses his late night TV platform to spew hatred and vitriol against his political enemies… all in the name of being “funny,” of course.
But it isn’t funny at all. It’s just another form of hatred disguised as political correctness. Worse, it’s turning into actual violence in the streets of America. That’s why anti-white hate crimes are the fastest-growing category of hate crimes in America, according to the FBI’s own statistics.
The Left is hopelessly blind to its own hatred
What’s so remarkable about all this is how the Left remains utterly blind to its own hatred. When UC Berkeley students penned articles in the student newspaper calling for conservative speakers to be murdered in order to halt their speech, this was widely accepted on the Left as a seemingly reasonable practice. It wasn’t deemed “hatred” at all. In fact, the Left tells itself that hating conservatives is a form of anti-hate (or “anti fascism” as the narrative goes).
According to the Left, then, if you are full of hatred for all the correct targets (Christians, solders, police, white men, etc.), that isn’t hate at all. It’s love.
This is the kind of twisted, deranged logic summarized by the Left’s mantra, “LOVE TRUMPS HATE,” which really means that if you express sufficient hatred toward Donald Trump, you will be loved by the Left, which is full of haters. Achieving acceptance and love, in other words, only requires that you hate all the same people they hate. Yet the Left lives in denial about its own hate problem, refusing to acknowledge that the entire left-wing movement in America is now steeped in hatred and fantasies of murder against political enemies. Case in point? Kathy Griffin.
The Left isn’t about love, you see. It’s about bullying people with hatred, then using selective enforcement of anti-hate rules to censor and suppress all conservative voices. See this article on The Daily Sheeple: VIDEO: Angry mob of Hillary Clinton supporters attack female reporter, attempt to silence free speech.
Why isn’t Twitter banning users who express hatred toward white people, Christians or the President?
Although Twitter aggressively bans users who express anything resembling hatred toward gays or transgenders, Twitter almost never bans users for expressing the same degree of hatred toward Christians, whites or President Trump.
Ever wonder why? It’s because to the Left, hatred toward Christians, whites and President Trump isn’t recognized as hate. It’s actually a form of virtue signaling to other leftists, which is necessary to be accepted and loved by the Left. Hatred, you see, is the prerequisite to left-wing love.
This is why the liberal mob has become so dangerous to society. Far from promoting love and unity, the Left has actually transformed into a dangerous cult of totalitarian thought control and demanded obedience, all powered by intense emotional hatred coupled with a total abandonment of reason.
If you do not agree with the Left on a given topic — no matter how absurd the Left’s stance — you are immediately branded as being engaged in “hate.” Once branded, you can then be censored, insulted and blacklisted from society in the name of the Left “stopping hate.” This is how Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter plan to make sure Democrats win the next presidential election in 2020: The Democrat candidate will be selected from one or more victim groups of the Left — transgenders, women, minorities, gays, etc. — and then any rational criticism of that candidate’s policies will be stifled via accusations of “hate speech.”
Even rational, science-based questioning of the Left’s deranged narratives earns any thinking person this same label of “hate.” For example, the Left now believes that biological sex is no longer determined by genetics. Instead, according to the Left, a person’s biological sex is now determined by a wish or a hope… and it can be changed at any moment by merely declaring such a change. Remember, this is the same Left that has, for decades, insisted that gay people are born gay, reminding us that being gay “isn’t a choice.” A rational person might point out the glaring contradiction in these two beliefs — that gay people are “born gay” but biological sex is a “choice” — but that person would be immediately branded a purveyor of HATE for the simple reason that when it comes to left-wing narrative myths, no questions are allowed.
Raising intelligent questions, you see, is now considered an act of hate according to the Left. In fact, any challenge to the false narratives of the Left is branded HATE as a crude control mechanism to stifle speech and punish intelligent thinking. The Owellian overtones in all this are, of course, too obscene to ignore: The Left has become the Ministry of Truth even when nearly everything the Left espouses is based on lies.
Remember, according to the Left, if you HATE all the correct people, you will be LOVED. In other words, “Hate = Love” to the deranged, lunatic Left.
Fake news, fake facts and narrative myths
Part of the Left’s descent into derangement and cultism is their reliance on false reality reinforcement via fake news, fake “facts,” fake science and narrative myths. The Left has historically relied on narrative myths to explain to themselves how things work, even when such myths stand in total contradiction to reality.
As mentioned above, the transgenderism myth is one such example. It involves Leftists denying biological reality to such an insane degree that transgenderism-promoting Bill Nye — who absurdly claims that “transgenderism is evolution” — even edited his own “Science Guy” shows from the 1990s to remove all the lessons about genetics, chromosomes and biological sex. Quite literally, left-wing science figures are now engaged in revisionist history and selective editing of educational materials to alter the narrative in order to fit the modern-day lunacy of the Left (which has permanently departed from physical reality).
Similarly, in the world of media, the Left has constructed an elaborate narrative myth that claims President Trump colluded with “the Russians” to steal the election from the rightful President, Hillary Clinton. This narrative lacks even a shred of credible evidence in the real world, but through the construction of an elaborate media bubble, nearly all Leftists believe that myth, even when it has no basis in reality whatsoever.
Fake hate crimes, fake “documentaries” and left-wing hoaxes
Fake “facts” are universally used throughout the twisted realm of Leftism to rile up hatred against intended targets. For example, a shockingly high percentage of so-called “hate crimes” supposedly carried out against blacks, Jews or Muslims eventually turn out to be perpetrated by those very same people against themselves. The huge number of such examples makes them too numerous to list in this article, but here’s a list of just 15 “hate crime hoaxes” that were all reported as true by the left-wing media.
The left-wing media, of course, reports all hate crime hoaxes as true events. But once the perpetrator is discovered to have carried out a hoax, the left-wing media never informs its audience of the hoax. Thus, readers of the NYT, Washington Post, CNN, etc., are left with the utterly false believe that hate crimes are happening everywhere, all the time, and that they’re all genuine hate crimes. In truth, many of them are false flag crimes.
The broadcast industry further underscores all this with staged, fake “documentary” TV shows that are all fabricated with the intention of catapulting the continued propaganda of hate crimes. A&E, for example, desperately tried to stage a KKK documentary, but they were so unsuccessful in finding actual KKK members that they had to script the whole thing and bring their own Nazi props, direct the actors to say “ni##er” on camera, and so on. The entire thing was pure theater… not merely theater for entertainment’s sake, but theater to populate the minds of Leftists with more narrative myths that further the agenda of the Left.
The Left, in other words, has to engineer hatred in order to keep its myths alive. And when there’s not enough actual hatred to be found, they are happy to invoke total fictions to depict the necessary hatred anyway.
That’s why nearly all the so-called “white supremacists” you might see marching around in public rallies these days are actually Leftists pretending to be KKK members. After all, how hard is it, really, to don a white hood and march around with a Nazi poster in your hands, all for the CNN cameras that broadcast the staged video into the minds of Leftists everywhere?
There is real racism, hatred, intolerance and marginalization in America… and it’s mostly coming from the intolerant LEFT
There is real racism in America, however. There are no doubt still pockets of bygone culture where blacks or Jews are despised. But institutional racism against black people is ancient history (except in the realm of science and medicine, where there remains a specific agenda to exterminate blacks, as I’ve publicly exposed). The real, institutionalized intolerance in America today is squarely aimed at Christians, white people and conservatives. That brand of intolerance is openly taught in the schools, encouraged at universities and reinforced through the hatred and intolerance of the left-wing media (Hollywood, late night TV, Netflix shows, etc.)
The assault against “whiteness” has become so intense across America’s universities that some indignant students have begun posting signs on campus that read, “It’s okay to be white.” This brilliant social experiment was pioneered at 4chan, eventually leading to the increasingly popular hashtag #IOTBW.
These signs, naturally, are widely condemned as being “racist.” “Those messages, instead of being ignored, have triggered university administrators and campus leftists into seeing the postings as outbursts of dangerous racism,” reports The Daily Caller. Indeed, the mere affirmation that it’s okay to be the skin color you were born with is now condemned by the deranged Left as a form of hatred all by itself. “HLS [Harvard Law School] will not let that happen here. We live, work, teach, and learn together in a community that is stronger, better, and deeper because of our diversity and because we encourage open, respectful, and constructive discourse,” Harvard Law School dean Marcia L. Sells wrote in a letter to students, apparently oblivious to the obscene contradiction in her own words. To the Left, you see, “diversity” is contingent on the exclusion of whites.
Truly, to the Left, white people are incapable of being diverse, meaning the Left judges people solely by the color of their skin rather than the content of their character.
According to leftists, WHITE people cannot be “diverse” in any meaningful way
As proof of this, Apple’s “vice president of diversity and inclusion” Denise Young Smith was recently forced to resign after daring to proclaim that white people can be diverse. “During a summit in Colombia, Young Smith, a black woman, claimed she likes to focus ‘on everyone’ and that ‘diversity goes beyond race, gender, and sexual orientation.'” reports Breitbart News.
For daring to suggest that diversity is more than skin deep, Smith was forced to profusely apologize to everyone. “I’m sorry,” she said. “More importantly, I want to assure you Apple’s view and our dedication to diversity has not change.” Weeks later, she was forced to resign.
This is precisely how the Left has earned the nickname “libtards.” To such libtards, diversity is exactly skin deep, and any person with white skin has no standing whatsoever. In other words, the Left has become a deranged cabal of intolerant, dangerous racist totalitarians. Their self-deluded tyranny is so off the charts that they now declare people to be unworthy of participating in civil society based solely on the color of their skin — a physical trait that we’re born with, just like biological sex.
An Apple spokesperson underscored the lunacy of the Left’s spiraling intolerance by saying, “We deeply believe that diversity drives innovation,” proclaiming that people should be hired based on whether they are gay, or transgender, or black rather than based on the quality of their ideas and work. This, again, is now a key tenant of the deranged Left: That the worth of a human being is no longer measured by their ideas or contributions. Rather, their entire worth as a human being is now graded solely on how gay they are, how transgender they are, how Muslim they are, or how much the pigment in their skin diverges from whiteness.
The Left has reached the depths of insanity and intolerance, and yet they keep on digging deeper. Having once condemned racist white people for judging blacks by the color of their skin, the lunatic Left has now institutionalized the “correctness” of judging people solely on the color of their skin or their commitment to LGBT values. This, to any rational person, is absolute proof that the Left has become a racist totalitarian regime of insane lunatics and crybullies who are desperately seeking power and control over everyone else.
Action item: Reject the Left’s shallow stupidity, intolerance, hatred and racism
The takeaway from all this? It’s time for all rational people to reject the Left’s skin-deep stupidity, intolerance, hatred and racism. Amazingly, it’s time to call for the Left to stop being intolerant bullies and racists.
This means speaking out against left-wing insanity at every opportunity. Some other actions you can take to help restore sanity across our society include:
- Stop using left-wing tech services like Google and Facebook
- Review your own behavior and make sure you are judging people solely by their character, ideas and ethics
- Vote against Democrats at every election, as they are now universally running on a platform of hatred and intolerance
- Stop watching left-wing Hollywood movies, TV shows and hate-filled comedians such as Jimmy Kimmel
- Speak out against schools and universities that teach false anti-science myths (transgenderism) to children
- Stop purchasing products and brands from companies that donate money to left-wing groups that spew hatred and intolerance
Delusional Left-wing definitions:
Finally, understand the real terminology of the Left so you can decode their linguistic nonsense.
“Inclusiveness” means advancing the LGBT agenda while insulting straight white men and Christians.
“Tolerance” means agreeing with the Left while calling for the murder of those who oppose your ideas.
“Diversity” means a room full of people with different skin color who all obediently agree on the exact same liberal ideas.
“Equality” means allowing biological male athletes who claim to be women to beat up actual biological women in Mixed Martial Arts competitions.
“Cooperation” means silencing those who refuse to cooperate with your agenda.
“Coexistence” means getting along nicely with those who obediently conform to your beliefs.
Or, better yet, as I previously mentioned in a Natural News post that describes the philosophy of the Left:
HATRED is tolerance
CONFORMITY is diversity

About the author: Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on called “Food Forensics“), an environmental scientist, a patent holder for a cesium radioactive isotope elimination invention, a multiple award winner for outstanding journalism, a science news publisher and influential commentator on topics ranging from science and medicine to culture and politics. Follow his videos, podcasts, websites and science projects at the links below.
Mike Adams serves as the founding editor of and the lab science director of an internationally accredited (ISO 17025) analytical laboratory known as CWC Labs. There, he was awarded a Certificate of Excellence for achieving extremely high accuracy in the analysis of toxic elements in unknown water samples using ICP-MS instrumentation. Adams is also highly proficient in running liquid chromatography, ion chromatography and mass spectrometry time-of-flight analytical instrumentation. He has also achieved numerous laboratory breakthroughs in the programming of automated liquid handling robots for sample preparation and external standards prep.
The U.S. patent office has awarded Mike Adams patent NO. US 9526751 B2 for the invention of “Cesium Eliminator,” a lifesaving invention that removes up to 95% of radioactive cesium from the human digestive tract. Adams has pledged to donate full patent licensing rights to any state or national government that needs to manufacture the product to save human lives in the aftermath of a nuclear accident, disaster, act of war or act of terrorism. He has also stockpiled 10,000 kg of raw material to manufacture Cesium Eliminator in a Texas warehouse, and plans to donate the finished product to help save lives in Texas when the next nuclear event occurs. No independent scientist in the world has done more research on the removal of radioactive elements from the human digestive tract.
Adams is a person of color whose ancestors include Africans and American Indians. He is of Native American heritage, which he credits as inspiring his “Health Ranger” passion for protecting life and nature against the destruction caused by chemicals, heavy metals and other forms of pollution.
Adams is the founder and publisher of the open source science journal Natural Science Journal, the author of numerous peer-reviewed science papers published by the journal, and the author of the world’s first book that published ICP-MS heavy metals analysis results for foods, dietary supplements, pet food, spices and fast food. The book is entitled Food Forensics and is published by BenBella Books.
In his laboratory research, Adams has made numerous food safety breakthroughs such as revealing rice protein products imported from Asia to be contaminated with toxic heavy metals like lead, cadmium and tungsten. Adams was the first food science researcher to document high levels of tungsten in superfoods. He also discovered over 11 ppm lead in imported mangosteen powder, and led an industry-wide voluntary agreement to limit heavy metals in rice protein products.
In addition to his lab work, Adams is also the (non-paid) executive director of the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center (CWC), an organization that redirects 100% of its donations receipts to grant programs that teach children and women how to grow their own food or vastly improve their nutrition. Through the non-profit CWC, Adams also launched Nutrition Rescue, a program that donates essential vitamins to people in need. Click here to see some of the CWC success stories.
With a background in science and software technology, Adams is the original founder of the email newsletter technology company known as Arial Software. Using his technical experience combined with his love for natural health, Adams developed and deployed the content management system currently driving He also engineered the high-level statistical algorithms that power, a massive research resource featuring over 10 million scientific studies.
Adams is well known for his incredibly popular consumer activism video blowing the lid on fake blueberries used throughout the food supply. He has also exposed “strange fibers” found in Chicken McNuggets, fake academic credentials of so-called health “gurus,” dangerous “detox” products imported as battery acid and sold for oral consumption, fake acai berry scams, the California raw milk raids, the vaccine research fraud revealed by industry whistleblowers and many other topics.
Adams has also helped defend the rights of home gardeners and protect the medical freedom rights of parents. Adams is widely recognized to have made a remarkable global impact on issues like GMOs, vaccines, nutrition therapies, human consciousness.
In addition to his activism, Adams is an accomplished musician who has released over fifteen popular songs covering a variety of activism topics.
Click here to read a more detailed bio on Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, at
Posted by Joyce Kavitsky at 9/19/2018 09:54:00 PM 0 comments