U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, Paul Bremer watches the video of Saddam Hussein going through his medical examination shortly after his capture while it was being briefed to the media gathered at the Iraqi Forum in Baghdad, Dec. 14, 2003. U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Steven Pearsall
4th Infantry Captures Saddam Near Tikrit
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14, 2003 — With three words – "We
got him" – Ambassador L. Paul Bremer III announced
at a press briefing in Baghdad today that U.S. forces had
captured Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein near his hometown
of Tikrit.
Saddam was taken into custody at a small mud-walled compound
outside the village of Adwar at 8:30 p.m. Dec. 13.
About 600 members of the 1st Brigade,
4 th Infantry Division, along with special operations forces,
launched Operation Red Dawn after receiving intelligence
that Saddam was in the area, said Army Lt. Gen.
Ricardo Sanchez, commander
of coalition forces in the country.
Bremer, the coalition administrator, said it was
a "great day" in Iraq's history. "For decades, hundreds of
thousands of you suffered at the hands of this cruel man," he
said. "For decades, Saddam Hussein divided citizens against
each other. For decades, he threatened and attacked your
neighbors. Those days are over forever."
The ambassador called on Iraqis to look to the future. He
urged those who supported Saddam to reexamine their views
and cooperate to build a new Iraq. "Your future has never
been more full of hope," he said.
Sanchez described the operation that captured Saddam. The
general said it was a cordon-and-search operation, and coalition
forces sustained no casualties. In fact, he said, coalition
forces never fired a shot.
"For the last several months, a combination of human intelligence
tips, exceptional intelligence analytical efforts and detainee
interrogations narrowed down the activities of Saddam Hussein," Sanchez
Sanchez said intelligence pointed to two likely spots where Saddam could be hiding. He said the Americans struck with lightning speed under cover of darkness. The troops initially did not find Saddam. "As a result, the 1 st Brigade Combat Team elected to cordon the area and conduct an extensive search," Sanchez said. "Coalition forces subsequently found
a suspicious location."
In the search, U.S. forces discovered a "spider hole." "After
uncovering the spider hole, a search was conducted and Saddam
Hussein was found hiding at the bottom of the hole," Sanchez
said. "Saddam was captured without resistance."
Coalition forces moved the former Iraqi dictator to a secure
area, and he has undergone medical tests and questioning.
Bremer said Saddam was "cooperative and talkative."
Photos of Saddam Hussein shown during a briefing at the Iraqi Forum in Baghdad, Dec. 14, 2003. Troops from the 4th Infantry Division's 1st Brigade Combat Team captured former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein without incident Dec. 13. Saddam was found hiding in a storehouse at a remote farmhouse near Tikrit, Iraq. Defense Dept. photos
Coalition forces also uncovered some weapons and $750,000
in $100 bills. Two other Iraqis were detained.
Sanchez showed a video of the spider hole and then showed
Saddam undergoing medical tests. Iraqi journalists at the
press conference erupted at the sight of Saddam, shaking
their fists and shouting "Death to Saddam." The Iraqi dictator
had a full beard and looked disheveled.
Sanchez called the capture of Saddam "a defining moment
in the new Iraq." he said the capture brings closure to the
Iraqi people. "Saddam Hussein will never return to a position
of power from which he can punish, terrorize, intimidate
or exploit the Iraqi people as he did for more than 35 years," the
general said.
Saddam will continue to be held at an undisclosed location.
The determination on how to try Saddam will be made later.
Pentagon officials said President Bush was informed of the
possible capture yesterday. It was confirmed to him this
The streets of Baghdad erupted with "celebratory gunfire," according
to correspondents in the Iraqi capital. Officials said some
Iraqi regime diehards may launch attacks, but that coalition
forces are prepared. In the long term, officials said, they
see the capture as going a long way to bring stability to
the country.
Bremer and Sanchez, while visibly pleased by the capture, said
much work remains to be done in Iraq, and pledged to continue
working with the Iraqi Governing Council to build a new Iraq.
Briefing Transcript Briefing Slides
. Coalition Protects Saddam's Geneva Convention Rights
. Myers Calls Saddam Capture 'Big Step' Toward Democracy
. Bush: Iraqi People Should Help Determine Saddam's Fate
. Rumsfeld: Captured Saddam Compliant, But Not Cooperative
. Saddam ‘Caught Like a Rat,’ 4th Infantry Commander Says
. Saddam Hussein: Disoriented and Bewildered
. Rumsfeld Statement on Capture
. Sanchez on Operation Red Dawn
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