June 9, 2008
RUSH: Over the weekend, the guy that runs the Little Green Footballs blog, Charles Johnson, found a bunch of things on Obama's website. One of them was the truth of the Jewish lobby and it was one of the most anti-Semitic posts that you've ever seen, and it was still up there, and finally the Obama website took it down. There was also praise from some Muslim militant that was on the website. There are a lot of things -- and I told you this during the primaries and the superdelegates know this -- they are worried silly here. Right now Obama's riding on a wing and a prayer, riding on pure image, the messiah business, but he has five months to go with this stuff.
Let me just give you an illustration. This is audio from last Thursday in Bristol, Virginia, at a campaign event. I've constantly noted, ladies and gentlemen, you take the prompter and the written speeches away from Barak Obama and you have nothing. You have nothing like the guy with the soaring rhetoric and the inspiring and sermon-like quality. You have nothing like that, and this is why I don't think Obama will do as many of these town hall meetings with McCain as his camp is saying. In fact, Bloomberg in New York got together with ABC and they offered the Federal Hall in New York for the first of these this coming Thursday night with ABC telecasting it. And both campaigns turned it down. Both campaigns turned it down. The McCain camp said, (doing McCain impression) "No, not one network. Every network or I don't do it." They didn't want to give it to one particular network, and Obama, his comfort level is doing things on CNN and MSNBC. So anyway, you listen to this. This is last Thursday in Bristol, Virginia, and this is Obama talking about Iraq. I just want to preference this by telling you, if this were George Bush that you were listening to, this would have been commented on since it happened. You would have had people all over the country saying, "Gosh, can't we get a guy that can talk? Can't we get a guy who can put two thoughts together?" Listen to this. This is Obama.
OBAMA: What they'll say is, "Well it costs too much money," but you know what? It would cost, about... It -- it -- it would cost about the same as what we would spend... It... Over the course of 10 years it would cost what it would costs us... (nervous laugh) All right. Okay. We're going to... It... It would cost us about the same as it would cost for about -- hold on one second. I can't hear myself. But I'm glad you're fired up, though. I'm glad.
RUSH: Ted Kennedy could do a better job. This was Barak Obama Thursday in Bristol. You want to hear this again? I have seen this. This is the worst example of it, but I have noticed this and I have seen this throughout these town hall debate situations. You take the script and the teleprompter away from him, you take away all this BS about change and hope and grunge away from him. Listen one more time, and then we have his explanation for why he muffed it so bad.
OBAMA: What they'll say is, "Well it costs too much money," but you know what? It would cost, about... It -- it -- it would cost about the same as what we would spend... It... Over the course of 10 years it would cost what it would costs us... (nervous laugh) All right. Okay. We're going to... It... It would cost us about the same as it would cost for about -- hold on one second. I can't hear myself. But I'm glad you're fired up, though. I'm glad.
RUSH: Now, there was a lot of crowd noise going on, and we just took it out so we could hear -- (interruption) no, I'm not kidding you. That's Obama. Now, this is how he explained it.
OBAMA: Everybody knows that it makes no sense that you send a kid to the emergency room for a treatable illness like asthma, they end up taking up a hospital bed, it costs, when, if you, they just gave, you gave them treatment early and they got some treatment, and a, a breathalyzer, or inhalator, not a breathalyzer. (crowd laughing) I haven't had much sleep in the last 48 hours.
RUSH: Okay, that's it. He hasn't had much sleep in the last 48 hours. It's inhaler. There's no such a thing as an inhalator. And a breathalyzer? A breathalyzer is what they give you if you've been overserved adult beverages and you're driving around and the cops catch you. So let's listen to these two back-to-back. Obama last Thursday in Bristol, Virginia, two days before -- and by the way, when did he have that meeting with Mrs. Clinton at DiFi's house, was that Wednesday night or Thursday night? I thought it was Thursday night. Can you imagine if he's still talking this way when he got together with her?
OBAMA: What they'll say is, "Well, it costs too much money," but you know what? It would cost, about... It -- it -- it would cost about the same as what we would spend... It... Over the course of 10 years it would cost what it would costs us... (nervous laugh) All right. Okay. We're going to... It... It would cost us about the same as it would cost for about -- hold on one second. I can't hear myself. But I'm glad you're fired up, though. I'm glad.
OBAMA: Everybody knows that it makes no sense that you send a kid to the emergency room for a treatable illness like asthma, they end up taking up a hospital bed, it costs, when, if you, they just gave, you gave them treatment early and they got some treatment, and a, a breathalyzer, or inhalator, not a breathalyzer. (crowd laughing) I haven't had much sleep in the last 48 hours.
RUSH: I want you to hear two sound bites from the Democrat Party standard-bearer, Barak Obama, who 30 years ago would not have survived one sermon being seen publicly by the American people. If anybody running for president 30 years ago had said "Goddamn America" in a sermon, that's the end of the candidate who had been a 20-year member of the church. If the American people had learned 30 years ago that a presidential candidate of any party can number as one of his best friends a terrorist who blew up the Pentagon, he would be finished. Today he's the nominee of the Democrat Party for president of the United States, and this is a man of change and this is a man of hope and dreams. This is a man who is finally going to bring about the federal government fixing everything that's wrong in healthcare. This is from last Thursday in Bristol, Virginia, no teleprompter, no written notes, speaking off the cuff. By the way, when he makes his remark here about the audience being loud and distracting, we didn't edit any of the audience out. The audience was not making a sound because the audience is as perplexed as you will be listening to this.
OBAMA: What they'll say is, "Well, it costs too much money," but you know what? It would cost, about... It -- it -- it would cost about the same as what we would spend... It... Over the course of 10 years it would cost what it would costs us... (nervous laugh) All right. Okay. We're going to... It... It would cost us about the same as it would cost for about -- hold on one second. I can't hear myself. But I'm glad you're fired up, though. I'm glad.
RUSH: Nobody was saying a word. There was no cheering; there was no fainting. There was just disbelief. I have warned you people several times, you get this guy away from the teleprompter and the David Axelrod-written speeches. This guy doesn't even write his own speeches. Mario Cuomo and Malcolm X write these, but the bottom line is, you get this guy away from them, and I don't care, he blames it on lack of sleep. Hey, get used to it, man, you want to be president. Remember that phone call that's going to ring at 3:00 in the morning? It's going to be Hillary saying, "Have you seen Bill?" And he'll say, "Yeah, the last time I saw him was in the Oval Office and I couldn't get rid of him so I came up to bed." This is the guy who wants to run your healthcare. Listen to the next bite. Listen to him talk about the condition of asthma.OBAMA: Everybody knows that it makes no sense that you send a kid to the emergency room for a treatable illness like asthma, they end up taking up a hospital bed, it costs, when, if you, they just gave, you gave them treatment early and they got some treatment, and a, a breathalyzer, or inhalator, not a breathalyzer. (crowd laughing) I haven't had much sleep in the last 48 hours.
RUSH: It's not an inhalator either. How much does an inhalator cost? Where do I go to get an inhalator? Where do I find one? Yeah, right, next to a disgronificator. What if I want a breathalyzer? If I have asthma, I should be able to demand a breathalyzer? I'll tell you something else. Any preacher 30 years ago, who in a sermon said: "Goddamn America," wouldn't have a church, either.
Read the Background Material...
• Gateway Pundit: More Obama Gaffes- Including Kids Getting "Breathalyzer" Tests - VIDEO
• LittleGreenFootballs: Obama Campaign Throws Antisemitic Blog Down the Memory Hole
• NewsBusters: Will Media Report Anti-Semitic Article at Obama's Website?
• NewsBusters: Will Media Ignore Obama-Khalidi Connection?
• American Thinker: Too Bad this Didn't Come Out BEFORE Obama Spoke to AIPAC
Monday, June 16, 2008
Off Prompter, Obama Can't Speak by Rush Limbaugh
Posted by Joyce Kavitsky at 6/16/2008 12:46:00 PM
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