October 19th, 2008
Liberals are jumping with joy that a liberal Republican has endorsed Barack Obama.
It’s not really an October surprise when it’s been planned for months.
Colin Powell is so excited for Barack Obama, that he forgot to speak at his convention.
Senator John McCain was all class as usual these last weeks, despite the media literally making things up about his rallies.
- “This doesn’t come as a surprise,” McCain said. “But I’m also very pleased to have the endorsement of four former secretaries of state … and I’m proud to have the endorsement of well over 200 retired generals and admirals. I respect and continue to respect and admire Secretary Powell.”
Here is what liberals thought of Colin Powell before he fell in line:
Daily Kos: Uncle Tom Powell Yes they can! Just look;
The Village Voice: The Uncle Tom Dilemma
Harry Belafonte calling Powell a house slave
Hitting Powell and Rice together
It’s a good thing the left isn’t playing the race card this election…
One last thing, all of the Republicants out there who are quaking in their boots that liberals act liberal and mavericks are mavericks, please understand that your fear is of your own making. To this moment, you lefty Republicans cannot reach down and find the courage or character to stand up for the American Republic.
You lost power to the far left in 2006 because you could not act like winners. You continue to lose confidence in yourselves because your wives whine they are embarrassed at high class functions where liberal wives wag their tongues.
You now refuse to fight for a man who; is also a moderate, spent years being tortured for you, and kept his promise to keep public financing when his opponent broke that very promise so he could run a TV channel and bury the country in propaganda of the first order.
When this election is over, we will have Lynn Rothschild and Joe Liberman teach you how to stand up for what is right and good with America.
TRN will leave you with words of one of the greatest leaders in our time, a woman we might add:
“There are still people in my party who believe in consensus politics. I regard them as Quislings, as traitors… I mean it…” - Lady Margaret Thatcher
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