Saturday, August 20, 2011

Pledging To Work Toward A Stronger Future By Rick Perry and Nikki Haley


July 19, 2011

As governors of states whose citizens, like all Americans, are desperate for the restoration of fiscal responsibility in Washington, D.C., we are proud to have signed the Cut, Cap and Balance Pledge in the midst of the ongoing debate over once again raising the federal debt ceiling.

Put simply, we oppose a federal debt limit increase unless all three of the following, common-sense conditions have been met: substantial cuts in spending; enforceable spending caps to put the country on the path to a balanced budget; and Congressional passage of a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. That amendment should also include a requirement for a super-majority vote of Congressional approval before taxes are ever raised.

At heart, the pledge represents the reality that yet another temporary, band-aid fix to our nation's budgetary woes is no fix at all. The time has come for all of us to begin holding the federal government to the same common-sense standards currently in place in most states, including South Carolina and Texas.

Just like most businesses and families, states like ours have a limited amount of money on hand with which to build their balanced budgets, and when times are hard - just like with businesses and families across the country - states have to prioritize, make sacrifices and figure out how to best provide essential services to their citizens.

In Texas, state leaders managed to balance our budget, hold the line on raising taxes, preserve billions in a rainy day fund and prioritize funding for public schools. That sort of philosophy is a big reason Texas accounts for 45 percent of net U.S. job creation since June 2009, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

In South Carolina, for the first time in history, legislators have to record their votes on every section of the budget, so that citizens can see their spending habits. And a new marker has been laid down - every dollar that falls after the budget is initially balanced should go to one of three things: tax relief, debt relief, or rebates directly to the taxpayer. No longer will South Carolina spend every single dollar every single year.

Washington's ability to continuously vote itself more fiscal breathing room may help Congress - at least in the short term - avoid making the kinds of tough decisions made by states, businesses and families. But ignoring economic realities will only lead to even more painful choices down the road and increases the potential for a financial collapse that could permanently cost America its role as the world's economic power.

Unfortunately for those of us hoping for real solutions, the system in Washington makes it easier for elected officials to bury their heads in the sand, avoid responsibility and make the easiest choice of all: borrow more, plunge our nation deeper into debt, and make this the first generation in America's history to punt the tough decisions to our children and grandchildren.

Such moves may be good politics, since they mean officials don't have to say "no" to anyone, but as a matter of policy they are indefensible.

The more money Washington prints and borrows to pay for pet projects and wasteful programs, the further our federal government gets from fulfilling its core missions: the missions that keep Americans safe, productive and employed.

Meanwhile, the more Washington spends money it doesn't have, the more it attaches strings to that money, dictating to states and communities exactly how they should run. It's an endless cycle: Washington borrows money on the good name of the taxpayer, then "gives" some of it back with mandates on how it is spent.

It is worth remembering that all government money, borrowed or not, comes from the taxpayers, and it's those taxpayers who will be left at the table when the check comes due.

Again, this approach is indefensible, and the only way to get the federal government to put an end to it is to draw a line and finally hold Washington accountable. The pledge we've signed represents an important step in this process.

It calls for the kinds of budget cuts Washington needs now, and for a hard cap on all future spending. And it finally moves us to a mandatory balanced budget that will end the era of national debt, raging deficits and failed "stimulus" programs that have negatively impacted nearly every aspect of American life.

As Americans, we need to continue to stand up for the principles we believe in and those that served as the foundation for our nation's unparalleled successes. The principles of a limited federal government and responsible fiscal leadership have sustained us during tough times before, and we have every confidence they can lead us out of this period of sluggish economic growth.

As governors, we have to ensure the voices of all Americans - not just of those in Washington who largely got us into this mess - are heard in this debate, and that we don't miss the opportunity to repair a part of our economy, and our political culture, that's been broken for far too long.

Written by Texas Governor Rick Perry and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley.

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