Defense Department Documents: “Extremists” Speak About “individual Liberties, States’ Rights & How to Make the World a Better Place” by Tim Brown
August 25, 2013
Conservative Watchdog group Judicial Watch has obtained United States Defense Department education materials that expose the indoctrination that is being attempted within their ranks. The documents warn of "extremists" who "talk of individual liberties, states' rights, and how to make the world a better place."
The documents were obtained by Judicial Watch in response to a Freedom of Information Act request (FOIA) that was filed on April 8, 2013. The FOIA requested "Any and all records concerning, regarding, or related to the preparation and presentation of training materials on hate groups or hate crimes distributed or used by the Air Force."
Judicial Watch claims that the Defense Department is teaching that conservative and liberty-minded individuals' views are "extremist."
Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute, a Defense Department-funded diversity training center, reportedly authored the materials. On top of that they cite the racist, hate group Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as their source for defining "hate groups." Isn't that telling?
SPLC, a hate group unto themselves, identified the Family research Council (FRC) as a hate group on its website, along with other well-known conservative organizations such as the American Family Association, concerned Women for America, and Coral Ridge Ministries. SPLC cannot stand for people to tell the truth about abortion being murder and homosexuality being a perversion. As a result of their identifying FRC in this manner, 28 year old year old Floyd Lee Corkins II, used his computer to access SPLC's website to target FRC and other organizations. He then went into the FRC building wanting to kill as many people as possible, then smear their faces with Chick-Fil-A sandwiches and kill the guard. He was able to wound the guard, Leo Johnson, but Johnson was still able to subdue him until police arrived.
There are 133 pages of lesson plans and PowerPoint slides provided by the Air Force. Included in those plans is a January 2013 Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute "student guide" titled "Extremism," which begins on page 32 of the downloadable PDF. Though the documentation reads "do not use on the job" and "for training purposes only," it does cause one to wonder why the Defense Department would invest so much money and time into "education materials" that are not to be used.
Following Corkins conviction, FRC President Tony Perkins said the SPLC "can no longer say that it is not a source for those bent on committing acts of violence."
"The day after Floyd Corkins came into the FRC headquarters and opened fire wounding one of our team members, I stated that while Corkins was responsible for the shooting, he had been given a license to perpetrate this act of violence by groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center, which has systematically and recklessly labeled every organization with which they disagree as a 'hate group,'" Perkins said.
Judicial Watch highlights some of the sections:
- The document defines extremists as "a person who advocates the use of force or violence; advocates supremacist causes based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or national origin; or otherwise engages to illegally deprive individuals or groups of their civil rights."
- A statement that "Nowadays, instead of dressing in sheets or publically espousing hate messages, many extremists will talk of individual liberties, states' rights, and how to make the world a better place."
- "[W]hile not all extremist groups are hate groups, all hate groups are extremist groups."
- Under a section labeled "Extremist Ideologies" the document states, "In U.S. history, there are many examples of extremist ideologies and movements. The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule and the Confederate states who sought to secede from the Northern states are just two examples."
- In this same section, the document lists the 9/11 attack under a category of "Historical events."
- "[A]ctive participation…with regard to extremist organizations is incompatible with military service and, is therefore prohibited." [Emphasis in original]
- The document details the "seven stages of hate" and sixteen "extremists' traits."
- The SPLC is listed as a resource for information on hate groups and referenced several times throughout the guide.
- Of the five organizations besides the SPLC listed as resources, one is an SPLC project (Teaching Tolerance) and one considers any politically or socially conservative movement to be a potential hate group (Political Research Associates).
- Other than a mention of 9/11 and the Sudan, there is no discussion of Islamic extremism.
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said the "Obama administration has a nasty habit of equating basic conservative values with terrorism."
"And now, in a document full of claptrap, its Defense Department suggests that the Founding Fathers, and many conservative Americans, would not be welcome in today's military," he added. "And it is striking that some the language in this new document echoes the IRS targeting language of conservative and Tea Party investigations. After reviewing this document, one can't help but worry for the future and morale of our nation's armed forces."
August 27, 2013
A Homeland Security employee who runs a racist website that predicts an “unavoidable, inevitable clash with the white race” has been placed on paid administrative leave by the agency.
Ayo Kimathi, an acquisitions officer for Immigration and Customs Enforcement, calls himself the “Irritated Genie” and runs an anti-white, anti-gay website called the War on the Horizon (WOH).
At the agency, the Homeland Security employee is in charge of the procurement of guns, handcuffs and ammunition for US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Kimathi has worked at the Homeland Security Department since 2009. But the black supremacist spends nights and weekends preparing for a violent race war that he believes will soon sweep over the country.
“Warfare is eminent, and in order for black people to survive the 21stcentury, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites – more than our Christian hearts can possibly count,” Kimathi wrote on his website, advocating the mass murder of white people, gays, those of mixed races and blacks who integrate with whites. He calls African-Americans who mix with other races “black-skinned Uncle Tom race traitors.”
The WOH lists enemies of the group, which include Rev. Al Sharpton, Oprah Winfrey, President Barack Obama, Lil Wayne, Condoleezza Rice, “Colon” Powell and Whoopi Goldberg for being “treasonous mulatto scum dwellers… who will fight against reparations for Black people in amerikkka, but in favor of fag rights for freaking in amerikkka and Africa.”
The Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights organization, last week reported Kimathi’s role in running the website. One of the man’s former supervisors told the SPLC that “everybody in the office is afraid of” Kimathi and that co-workers fear “he will come in with a gun and someday go postal.”
“This guy is filled with hate,” the supervisor said. “…I am astounded he’s employed by the federal government, let alone Homeland Security.”
Employees who work at the ICE are required to obtain the government’s permission before engaging in organized activities outside of the agency, such as taking outside jobs at McDonalds, running a bingo game at a church, volunteering or running a website.
Kimathi received permission to run his website, but lied about the nature of his work. The employee allegedly told the agency that it was an entertainment website, and refused to disclose the title of the page, the SPLC reports.
“He told management that it was an entertainment website selling videos of concerts and lectures,” the report said. “He called it simply WOH, never saying that WOH stood for War on the Horizon.”
The DHS supervisor said if Kimathi had honestly described the organization, he would have probably been denied permission to run the website.
After the SPLC exposed the website, the Department of Homeland Security placed Kimathi on paid administrative leave. Since news broke about the DHS employee’s involvement in a racist website, the agency has been scrutinized both for employing him and for placing him on paid rather than unpaid leave.
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin was particularly outraged by the incident, describing it “unflippingbelievable” on her Facebook page.
“His fellow employees say they’re astounded he is employed by the taxpayers,” she wrote. “His side ‘job’ running the ‘War On the Horizon’ website was reportedly approved by supervisors. Really, Fed? Really?”
Kimathi has so far refused to comment to the media.
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