Ted Cruz just took Dems' Sessions hearing hypocrisy and killed it with FIRE
Source: https://www.conservativereview.com/commentary/2017/01/ted-cruz-just-took-dems-sessions-hearing-hypocrisy-and-killed-it-with-fireBy: Maria Jeffrey | January 10, 2017

Senator Ted Cruz | Youtube
During Senator Jeff Sessions’, R-Ala. (C,78%) Attorney General confirmation hearing today in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator Ted Cruz, R-Tex. (A, 97%) pointed out numerous Democratic hypocrisies that have been manifested in the past few years and during the hearing.
Democrats on the committee, especially Senator Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. (F, 0%) had been grilling Sessions on whether he would uphold abortion laws in the United States if he becomes Attorney General. Senator Patrick Leahy, D, Vt. (F, 6%) interrogated Sessions on LGBT rights, questioning whether Sessions would uphold civil rights laws as Attorney General.
But did the Democrats care when Obama routinely flouted the law?
Ted Cruz wasn’t having it:
“When the Obama Justice Department sent millions of dollars of taxpayer money to sanctuary cities defying federal immigration law, the Democrats on this committee were silent. When the Obama administration refused to enforce federal immigration law…the Democrats on this committee were silent. When the Obama administration released tens of thousands of illegal aliens including rapists and murderers into the general population, Democrats on this committee were silent.”
Ted Cruz was kicking ass. And he wasn’t done. He pointed out Democratic hypocritical silence on Obama flouting the law and paying a ransom to Iran and for releasing Guantanamo terrorists without congressional approval.
Senator Cruz’s comments were met with acclaim from conservatives on Twitter:
And there goes @tedcruz back on the top of his game...calling out Democrats hypocrisy/lawlessness. Woo-hoo
— Melanie (@Melanieny5404) January 10, 2017
Ted Cruz is absolutely destroying the democrats on the Senate Floor. Thank God we have him in the senate. #SenateHearings #ConfirmSessions
— Conservative (@jamesesavengers) January 10, 2017
Ted Cruz on Liz Warren: "Democrats Are The Party Of The KKK"
Source: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2017/02/08/ted_cruz_on_liz_warren_when_the_left_doesnt_have_any_arguments_they_accuse_everyone_of_being_racist.htmlPosted By Tim Hains
February 8, 2017
Sen. Ted Cruz comments on Sen. Elizabeth Warren being silenced in the Senate for the duration of the confirmation process for Sen. Jeff Sessions to become Attorney General. She was accused of slanderous speech about Sessions.
"The charges Warren made against Sen. Sessions are demonstrably false, they are slanderous, they are ugly, and it is one of the crutches -- when the left doesn't have any arguments, they go and accuse everyone of being a racist. It is an ugly, ugly part of the modern Democratic party," Cruz said.
"The Democrats are the party of the Ku Klux Klan," Cruz added. "The Dixiecrats, they were Democrats who imposed segregation... and yet now the Democrats just accuse anyone they disagree with of being racist."
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