Monday, August 28, 2017

Trump is trying to restore pride in America By Joyce P. Delp


August 20, 2017
Burlington County Times

I am normally a happy, optimistic person, but right now I am sick, tired and depressed. I'm tired of hearing the president referred to as illegitimate, even though he won more than enough electoral votes. I'm tired of hearing him called an idiot, a man-child, a criminal. What crimes?

I'm sick of having every word he says parsed and misconstrued because he tells it like it is and doesn't speak "politicianese." I'm sick of a biased press that gives him no credit for his numerous accomplishments in seven months and constantly badgers him on every issue. There's added distress that the Republicans are criticized roundly for doing the same things the Democrats did with impunity.

I'm depressed that other Bible-believing Christians like myself dislike him despite his conservative stance on moral and cultural issues.

I'm sick and frightened to see the anti-American, anti-God turn our country is taking, thanks to liberal universities and those who use free speech to try to bring the United States down. If socialism is our future, I refer you to Venezuela and Cuba to see how that works out.

I'm depressed and disgusted that some of our large cities choose to protect criminal illegal immigrants at the peril of their own citizens.

I'm depressed that even many Republicans have deserted the president for political expediency.

The redeeming fact is that he has gained support with miners, small businesses, some unions, Israel, veterans and law enforcement. I pray — yes, I pray — for President Donald Trump as he tries against all odds to restore pride in America as a world power and as a nation that, despite its faults, is a beacon of light in a dark world.

Joyce P. Delp


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