The passion Philadelphia fans feel for their team is intense, say area psychologists. [MICHAEL PEREZ / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS]
Jan 29, 2018
Once the Super Bowl is over, it will be euphoria or disappointment for Eagles fans. And some will handle it better than others.
As Eagles fans prepare to sit down with family or friends at home or head out to watch the big game with many others at bars or parties, anticipation and excitement is mounting.
Two area psychologists who are Eagles fans discussed the root of fandom, the impact it has on people, and the importance of keeping proper perspective win or lose.
“I grew up in Philadelphia so I can tell you from a fan perspective as well,” said Dr. Joel Fish, director of the Center for Sports Psychology in Philadelphia. “It’s a fact not a myth that Philadelphia fans are a deeply passionate and intense fan base.”
In many cases, fandom in Philadelphia runs three or four generations deep, Fish said. Families watch the games together, kids often grow up following a team, and they share that common experience with other fans. It makes for an intense experience for many.
“Sports is a personal part of our identity more than other urban areas,” Fish said. “It’s an anchor of civic identity.”
It unites all type of people — young and old, rich or poor, and from different racial and cultural identities, he added.
“We haven’t had as many championships as other cities so there’s a hunger here,” Fish said. “I think that hunger factor is what is creating so much attention.”
Fish, 62, spoke of remembering the Eagles winning the NFL championship when he was a young boy in 1960 before the Super Bowl came into existence. The thrill of victory in long overdue for fans like him.
Dr. David Leibovitz, 44, of the Hopewell Springs Counseling Center in Evesham, distinctly remembers how disappointed he was as a young boy when the Eagles lost to the Oakland Raiders in Super Bowl XV.
“It’s something imprinted in our DNA,” Leibovitz said of fandom. “It’s almost a tribal mentality...Really, we are part of the Philadelphia tribe.”
Human beings like to share common experiences and camaraderie and sports teams give people a chance to feel a sense of unity, the two said.
“Enjoy the unique experience,” said Fish, who has served as psychologist for more than 25 years for athletes of all levels. “It’s an opportunity to share that aspect with others. Enjoy the social experience.”

Many Eagles fans have also loved the team for decades and that adds to their passion, he said.
“It’s a great time,” Fish said. “There’s a tremendous value in being able to root for a team. I just think it’s great for the region. Let’s embrace the uniqueness of this opportunity and enjoy it. Nobody expected this.”
For many, being a fan of a team can bolster esteem and offers a “diversion from the every day,” Leibovitz said. “We have a lot of stresses in our lives.”
Sharing the excitement of a Super Bowl run with family and community can offer a fun escape, he added.
On the flip side, both also said that fans need to keep perspective come win or loss.
“What I would encourage someone to do right now is enjoy the ride,” Leibovitz said. “Allow yourself to dream.”
And if the dream does not go their way, it’s a time to learn about dealing with disappointment.
“When we win, we feel part of that win,” Leibovitz said. “And when we lose, unfortunately, we feel part of that loss.”
And for Eagles fans, there has been practice dealing with disappointment, he added.
“We are the lovable losers. Everybody loves to kick us when we are down,” Leibovitz said. “This is our chance to put our best foot forward.”
Leibovitz argues the down side to the Philly fan’s passion is often “misunderstood” or exaggerated by the national media and people not from the region.
“Our fans are great and extremely knowledgeable,” Leibovitz said, agreeing with Fish that it is a deep-rooted passion born from generations of fandom.
Besides, in this case, the underdog Eagles are battling the “evil empire,” Leibovitz joked, calling the Patriots “the ultimate dynasty in professional sports.”
“I think fans in these moments tend to root for the underdog,” Fish said. “Philly does see itself as a Rocky-style underdog...We do that with pride. We battle. We fight. We’re gritty. That’s one of the reasons I think the fans really like this team.”
After quarterback Carson Wentz, with his MVP-worthy numbers, went down for the season with injury, Fish said he believes fans modified their expectations. But the team kept on winning.
“I think we’ve got the best of both worlds,” Fish said. “The season has exceeded expectations and any disappointment will be lessened.”
Leibovitz called this Eagles team “unique” and seemingly full of “kinship” and “brotherhood.”
“Everyone has this team mentality that the sum is greater than any of the parts,” he said.
And if they do lose — although both said they believe they will win — fans need proper perspective.
“It’s only a game, let’s remember that,” Fish said. “Life goes on. The sun comes up...there’s an opportunity here for parents who are going to be watching with their kids to be a model for them.”
Passion is good, but being a good sport is too, Fish said. Just as players shake the hands of their opponent and move on, so the fan must get up the next day and go about life, he added.
And “if they win, we have an opportunity how to teach our kids how to celebrate and there’s some limits to that,” Fish said. “Handle that with class.”

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